来源:Cell Research 发布时间:2019/8/13 16:39:09
细胞研究:凝血因子或有助于对抗多重耐药的超级细菌 | Cell Research

论文标题:Coagulation factors VII, IX and X are effective antibacterial proteins against drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria

期刊:Cell Research

作者:Jinwu Chen,Xiaojie Li,Ling Li,Ting Zhang,Qing Zhang,Fangming Wu,Diyue Wang,Hongze Hu,Changlin Tian,Dongsheng Liao,Liang Zhao,Danxia Song,Yongyun Zhao,Chuanfang Wu,Xu Song



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最近发表在期刊《细胞研究》(Cell Research)上的一项研究发现,凝血因子——受伤后参与血液凝固的血液成分——或为对抗多重耐药细菌提供了新策略。

图1 图源:blindturtle / stock.adobe.com


如今中国四川大学的一个研究团队发现,凝血因子VII、IX和X除了在凝血过程中有重要作用,可能还可以对抗革兰氏阴性菌,其中包括像绿脓杆菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)和鲍曼不动杆菌(Acetinobacter baumannii)这样广泛抗药的细菌。这两种细菌最近还被国际卫生组织(WHO)列入因抗药性而对人类健康威胁最大的12种细菌之列。革兰氏阴性菌的特点是具有由一层内细胞膜、一层薄的细胞壁和一层外细胞膜组成的包膜,这使得它们更难被杀灭。




图2: FVII, FIX, FX, and their LCs exhibit antibacterial activity. a–h Growth kinetic measurements of E. coli DH5α exposed to different concentrations of lFVII (a), FVII (b), FVIIa (c), hFVII (d), lFIX (e), lFX (f), FIX (g) and FX (h). Untreated bacteria were included in all experiments. Data represent mean values from ?ve or more independent experiments. i Resistance to P. aeruginosa in BALB/c mice was weakened by neutralizing endogenous coagulation factors. The following antibodies (dose per mouse in parentheses), with saline as a blank control, were investigated in groups of eight mice: anti-mFVII Ab (1 µg), anti-mFIX Ab (8 µg), anti-mFX Ab (8 µg), Ab combination (1 µg of anti-mFVII Ab, 8 µg of anti-mFIX Ab and 8 µg of anti-mFX Ab), normal goat IgG (16 µg) and normal rabbit IgG (16 µg). After 1 h of antibody injections, each mouse was intravenously inoculated with 2 × 105 CFU of P. aeruginosa L93. j, k Increased bacterial load in blood (j) and liver (k) caused by neutralizing endogenous coagulation factors. Mice were treated as described in i. Bacterial titers remaining in blood and liver were assayed at 2 h post inoculation of P. aeruginosa. Bars indicate the means (n = 8). **P < 0.01, signi?cantly different from the saline-injected group


摘要:Infections caused by drug-resistant “superbugs” pose an urgent public health threat due to the lack of effective drugs; however, certain mammalian proteins with intrinsic antibacterial activity might be underappreciated. Here, we reveal an antibacterial property against Gram-negative bacteria for factors VII, IX and X, three proteins with well-established roles in initiation of the coagulation cascade. These factors exert antibacterial function via their light chains (LCs). Unlike many antibacterial agents that target cell metabolism or the cytoplasmic membrane, the LCs act by hydrolyzing the major components of bacterial outer membrane, lipopolysaccharides, which are crucial for the survival of Gram-negative bacteria. The LC of factor VII exhibits in vitro efficacy towards all Gram-negative bacteria tested, including extensively drug-resistant (XDR) pathogens, at nanomolar concentrations. It is also highly effective in combating XDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii infections in vivo. Through decoding a unique mechanism whereby factors VII, IX and X behave as antimicrobial proteins, this study advances our understanding of the coagulation system in host defense, and suggests that these factors may participate in the pathogenesis of coagulation disorder-related diseases such as sepsis via their dual functions in blood coagulation and resistance to infection. Furthermore, this study may offer new strategies for combating Gram-negative “superbugs”.


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