来源:Scientific Reports 发布时间:2019/8/13 14:45:53
分析营养健全的植物性饮食与肉食的影响 |《科学报告》

论文标题:Environmentally Optimal, Nutritionally Sound, Protein and Energy Conserving Plant Based Alternatives to U.S. Meat

期刊:Scientific Reports

作者:Gidon Eshel,Paul Stainier,Alon Shepon,Akshay Swaminathan



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使用含有蛋白质的植物代替肉食,仍能满足美国人的关键营养需求,还可以废除牧场的使用,并将目前粮食生产所需的耕地减少35-50%。以上发现来自《科学报告》发表的一项模型研究Environmentally Optimal, Nutritionally Sound, Protein and Energy Conserving Plant Based Alternatives to U.S. Meat,研究表明氮肥和温室气体排放量也将减少,而只有粮食相关的用水会增加。

图1 使用营养健全的植物性饮食代替肉食对关键营养和环境的影响 图源:Eshe等

美国巴德学院的Gidon Eshel及同事使用计算机模型设计了数百种植物性食品,用以只取代牛肉或取代美国全部三种主要肉类:牛肉、家禽肉和猪肉。这类植物性食品的成分主要包括大豆、青椒、南瓜、荞麦和芦笋。作者的目标是模拟一系列和肉类至少具有同等营养价值——甚至可能更有营养——的植物性食物,并且评估它们的环境影响。模拟的植物性食品严格匹配其所代替肉类的蛋白质含量——牛肉每天13克蛋白质或者所有三种肉类总计每天30克蛋白质;同时亦满足另外43种营养物质要求,比如维生素和脂肪酸。


摘要:Because meat is more resource intensive than vegetal protein sources, replacing it with efficient plant alternatives is potentially desirable, provided these alternatives prove nutritionally sound. We show that protein conserving plant alternatives to meat that rigorously satisfy key nutritional constraints while minimizing cropland, nitrogen fertilizer (Nr) and water use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions exist, and could improve public health. We develop a new methodology for identifying nutritional constraints whose satisfaction by plant eaters is challenging, disproportionately shaping the optimal diets, singling out energy, mass, monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B3,12 and D, choline, zinc, and selenium. By replacing meat with the devised plant alternatives—dominated by soy, green pepper, squash, buckwheat, and asparagus—Americans can collectively eliminate pastureland use while saving 35–50% of their diet related needs for cropland, Nr, and GHG emission, but increase their diet related irrigation needs by 15%. While widely replacing meat with plants is logistically and culturally challenging, few competing options offer comparable multidimensional resource use reduction.


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