来源:Frontiers of Architectural Research 发布时间:2024/5/21 17:05:49
FoAR | 一种源于传统竹编技艺的建筑器物运算化设计方法

论文标题:A computation design method for architectural artifacts adapted from traditional Kagome bamboo basketry techniques

期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research

作者:Hiroyuki Shinohara , Tung Hoi Peter Chan

发表时间:23 Apr 2024

DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2023.11.007


建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录

Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿/FoAR)于4月初在线发布了2024年第二期,共12篇文章。本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲,内容采用中文表达,方便大家阅读。推文内容不可直接引用。感兴趣的读者,请点击文末左下方“阅读原文“,可免费浏览及下载原版英文论文。

A computation design method for architectural artifacts adapted from traditional Kagome bamboo basketry techniques


Hiroyuki Shinohara*, Tung Hoi Peter Chan

School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

This study is a digital form-finding and manual fabrication experiment in woven architectural design, with one traditional weaving style, Kagome, used to scale the craft up into an architectural-scale bamboo woven artifact. Kagome is a tri-hexagonal pattern employed in traditional bamboo basketry as a triaxial weaving system, resulting in an object with a selfbracing capacity without the use of fasteners owing to its interlacing lattices. Although existing studies and tools have addressed triaxial weaving design and representation, the current consideration of the advantages of weaving with bamboo is insufficient. To address this research gap, this study develops a computational design method based on studies on bamboo basketry. This allows for the representation and exploration of design geometries using combinations of regular triangular meshes for the fabrication of Kagome woven bamboo artifacts. A full-scale mock-up was fabricated to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. The mock-up demonstrated the self-bracing properties of Kagome, but there were discrepancies between the mock-up and the design. Factors affecting bamboo weaving on an architectural scale have been identified within this study to inform future research on woven bamboo structures.


Traditional bamboo craft / 传统竹编工艺

Triaxial material interlacing / 三轴材料交织

Bamboo / 竹子

Computational design methods / 运算化设计方法

Mesh block combination system / 网格块组合系统

Architectural woven artifact / 建筑编织器物

1. Introduction / 引言

2. Research context / 研究背景

2.1. Properties and principles of Kagome weaving basketry / 笼目编织篮的性能和原理

2.2. Triaxial weaving on an architectural scale / 建筑尺度上的三轴编织

2.3. Recent approaches to Kagome weaving computation and fabrication / 关于笼目编织计算与制造的最新方法

3. Methodology / 研究方法

4. Findings / 发现

4.1. Analysis of traditional bamboo basketry / 传统竹编篮筐分析

4.2. Translation of the basket into a digital model / 将篮筐转化为运算化模型

4.3. Mesh Block Combination System for bamboo woven artifacts on an architectural scale /使用网格块组合系统制作建筑尺度上的竹编器物

4.3.1. Creation of mesh blocks / 创建网格块

4.3.2. Combination of mesh blocks and introduction of singularities / 组合网格块及引入奇点

4.4. Physical mock-up / 实物模型

4.4.1. Testing with the digital model and construction of the full-scale mock-up / 运算化模型测试和全尺寸模型的构建

4.4.2. Deformation record / 变形记录

4.4.3. Deformation analysis / 变形分析

4.4.4. Other observations / 其它观察结果

5. Discussion / 探讨

6. Conclusion / 结论

▲ 图一:竹篮编织中网格尺寸与力的关系。 © 本文作者

▲ 图二:笼目图案的再现与再生。 © 本文作者

▲ 图三:将竹篮编织转化成运算化模型。 © 本文作者

▲ 图四:全尺寸模型,结合壳结构和两个管网作为孔,在入口处有环形带。奇点用红色标识。 © 本文作者

▲ 图五:模型的设计。 © 本文作者

▲ 图六:网格块组合系统中A、B两种组合类型全尺寸模型的设计过程。 © 本文作者

▲ 图七:紧密编织网格尺寸的物理测试。 © 本文作者

▲ 图八:比较研究运算化模型的设计、全尺寸实物模型和 1:9 比例模型在四个区域的变形情况。 © 本文作者

Hiroyuki Shinohara

Assistant professor

School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China

Hiroyuki Shinohara is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Before joining CUHK, he was an Assistant Professor in Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo.

Before joining academia, Hiroyuki practised at internation­al architecture firms as a lead designer. At AECOM, Shanghai, he was an Associate Director and led teams in Architecture and Urbanism for integrated archi­tecture and urban design projects. At Perkins & Will, Shanghai, he was the Director of Design Practice in charge of architectural design, quality assurance, and delivery of projects.

With diverse experiences in practice, Hiroyuki en­gages in teaching and academic research at CUHK. His cur­rent research direction brings together craft, material, and tech­nology to evaluate and upgrade the use of local materials and traditional making techniques for contemporary architectural design. He also researches on type and typology and the idea of the city, examining the dominant architectural types of cities and their social implications. In his Ph.D., Hiroyuki studied Japanese architects’ uses of onomatopoeias in their textual descriptions. The research points to the Japanese architects’ use of the ordinal sound-based words particular to the Japanese language that results in the production of sensible and tangible spaces in Japanese architecture. The research contributes to the study of language in architecture by connecting the study of language to materiality instead of formality.

Tung Hoi Peter Chan

Research Assistant

School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong, China

I work as an architectural designer and researcher graduated with a Bachelors degree in Social Science (Architecture) from CUHK in 2022. I am also a craftsman with over a decades experience, especially specializing in timber and bamboo. Latest projects include Moving Bamboo in Hong Kong Pavilion in Venice Biennale of Architecture 2023.

Other interests include physics, zoology and general science, humanity arguments, reading, popular music, etc.


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