来源:Frontiers of Computer Science 发布时间:2022/12/14 16:23:44
FCS | 前沿研究:视频问答的实例-序列推理

论文标题:Instance-sequence reasoning for video question answering(视频问答的实例-序列推理)

期刊:Frontiers of Computer Science

作者:Rui LIU, Yahong HAN

发表时间:28 Jan 2022



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视频问答(Video QA)涉及对视频内容和问题语言的透彻理解,以及文本语义对视频视觉内容的检索。因此,为了更准确地回答问题,不仅要将语义实体与视频帧中的某个视觉实例相关联,而且问题中的动作或事件应该定位到相应的时间段。事实证明,这是一项更具挑战性的任务,需要能够根据视频帧中实例之间的时序相关性进行推理。在本文中,我们提出了一个实例-序列推理网络,用于具有实例检索和时间定位的视频问答。在模型中,视觉实例和文本表示首先嵌入到图节点中,这有利于模态内和模态间的集成。然后,在具有大感受野的图结构序列上提出了图因果卷积 ,以捕获更多的因果关联,这对于视觉基础和实例-序列推理至关重要。最后,我们在包含实例检索和时间定位标签的 TVQA+ 、三个其他视频 QA 数据集和三个多模态语言处理数据集上评估模型。通过大量实验证明了所提出方法的有效性和泛化性。具体来说,我们的方法在这些基准测试中优于最好的方法。



Video question answering (Video QA) involves a thorough understanding of video content and question language, as well as the grounding of the textual semantic to the visual content of videos. Thus, to answer the questions more accurately, not only the semantic entity should be associated with certain visual instance in video frames, but also the action or event in the question should be localized to a corresponding temporal slot. It turns out to be a more challenging task that requires the ability of conducting reasoning with correlations between instances along temporal frames. In this paper, we propose an instance-sequence reasoning network for video question answering with instance grounding and temporal localization. In our model, both visual instances and textual representations are firstly embedded into graph nodes, which benefits the integration of intra- and inter-modality. Then, we propose graph causal convolution (GCC) on graph-structured sequence with a large receptive field to capture more causal connections, which is vital for visual grounding and instance-sequence reasoning. Finally, we evaluate our model on TVQA+ dataset, which contains the groundtruth of instance grounding and temporal localization, three other Video QA datasets and three multimodal language processing datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of the proposed method. Specifically, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on these benchmarks.


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