作者:李言 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/7/22 20:15:52


Nature, 20 July 2023, Volume 619 Issue 7970




A long-period radio transient active for three decades


▲ 作者:N. Hurley-Walker, N. Rea, S. J. McSweeney et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们报告了针对一个长达21分钟的无线电瞬变观测结果,我们将其标记为GPM J1839–10。其脉冲的亮度在两个数量级间变化,持续时间在30到300秒之间,且具有准周期子结构。


▲ Abstract:

Here we report observations of a long-period (21?min) radio transient, which we have labelled GPM J1839–10. The pulses vary in brightness by two orders of magnitude, last between 30 and 300?s and have quasiperiodic substructure. The observations prompted a search of radio archives and we found that the source has been repeating since at least 1988. The archival data enabled constraint of the period derivative to <3.6?×?10?13?s?s?1, which is at the very limit of any classical theoretical model that predicts dipolar radio emission from an isolated neutron star.


Hydration solids


▲ 作者:Steven G. Harrellson, Michael S. DeLay et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here we report atomic force microscopy measurements on the hygroscopic spores of a common soil bacterium and develop a theory that captures the observed equilibrium, non-equilibrium and water-responsive mechanical behaviours, finding that these are controlled by the hydration force. Our theory based on the hydration force explains an extreme slowdown of water transport and successfully predicts a strong nonlinear elasticity and a transition in mechanical properties that differs from glassy and poroelastic behaviours. These results indicate that water not only endows biological matter with fluidity but also can—through the hydration force—control macroscopic properties and give rise to a ‘hydration solid’ with unusual properties. A large fraction of biological matter could belong to this distinct class of solid matter.

Regioselective aliphatic C–H functionalization using frustrated radical pairs


▲ 作者:Zhipeng Lu, Minsoo Ju et al.

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▲ Abstract:

Here we demonstrate that the functionalization of C(sp3)–H bonds can be accomplished using a class of FRPs generated from disilazide donors and an N-oxoammonium acceptor. Together, these species undergo single-electron transfer to generate a transient and persistent radical pair capable of cleaving unactivated C–H bonds to furnish aminoxylated products. By tuning the structure of the donor, it is possible to control regioselectivity and tailor reactivity towards tertiary, secondary or primary C–H bonds. Mechanistic studies lend strong support for the formation and involvement of radical pairs in the target reaction.


Assembly of functional diversity in an oceanic island flora


▲ 作者:Martha Paola Barajas Barbosa, Dylan Craven et al.

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▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract:

Here we describe the functional trait space of the native flora of an oceanic island (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) using extensive field and laboratory measurements, and relate it to global trade-offs in ecological strategies. We find that the island trait space exhibits a remarkable functional richness but that most plants are concentrated around a functional hotspot dominated by shrubs with a conservative life-history strategy. By dividing the island flora into species groups associated with distinct biogeographical distributions and diversification histories, our results also suggest that colonization via long-distance dispersal and the interplay between inter-island dispersal and archipelago-level speciation processes drive functional divergence and trait space expansion. Contrary to our expectations, speciation via cladogenesis has led to functional convergence, and therefore only contributes marginally to functional diversity by densely packing trait space around shrubs. By combining biogeography, ecology and evolution, our approach opens new avenues for trait-based insights into how dispersal, speciation and persistence shape the assembly of entire native island floras.


Accurate medium-range global weather forecasting with 3D neural networks


▲ 作者:Kaifeng Bi, Lingxi Xie et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we introduce an artificial-intelligence-based method for accurate, medium-range global weather forecasting. We show that three-dimensional deep networks equipped with Earth-specific priors are effective at dealing with complex patterns in weather data, and that a hierarchical temporal aggregation strategy reduces accumulation errors in medium-range forecasting. Trained on 39?years of global data, our program, Pangu-Weather, obtains stronger deterministic forecast results on reanalysis data in all tested variables when compared with the world’s best NWP system, the operational integrated forecasting system of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Our method also works well with extreme weather forecasts and ensemble forecasts. When initialized with reanalysis data, the accuracy of tracking tropical cyclones is also higher than that of ECMWF-HRES.

Global climate-change trends detected in indicators of ocean ecology


▲ 作者:B. B. Cael, Kelsey Bisson et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we show that climate-change trends emerge more rapidly in ocean colour (remote-sensing reflectance, Rrs), because Rrs is multivariate and some wavebands have low interannual variability. We analyse a 20-year Rrs time series from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Aqua satellite, and find significant trends in Rrs for 56% of the global surface ocean, mainly equatorward of 40°. The climate-change signal in Rrs emerges after 20 years in similar regions covering a similar fraction of the ocean in a state-of-the-art ecosystem model, which suggests that our observed trends indicate shifts in ocean colour—and, by extension, in surface-ocean ecosystems—that are driven by climate change. On the whole, low-latitude oceans have become greener in the past 20 years.

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