作者:冯维维 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/7/15 21:04:18


编译 | 冯维维

Nature, 13 July 2023, Volume 619 Issue 7969




XGalaxies in voids assemble their stars slowly


▲ 作者:Jesús Domínguez-Gómez, Isabel Pérez, Tomás Ruiz-Lara, Reynier F. Peletier, Patricia Sánchez-Blázquez, Ute Lisenfeld, Jesús Falcón-Barroso, Manuel Alcázar-Laynez, María Argudo-Fernández, Guillermo Blázquez-Calero, Hélène Courtois, Salvador Duarte Puertas, Daniel Espada, Estrella Florido, Rubén García-Benito, Andoni Jiménez, Kathryn Kreckel, Mónica Relao, Laura Sánchez-Menguiano, Thijs van der Hulst, Rien van de Weygaert, Simon Verley & Almudena Zurita

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▲ Abstract:

 Galaxies in the Universe are distributed in a web-like structure characterized by different large-scale environments: dense clusters, elongated filaments, sheetlike walls and under-dense regions, called voids. The low density in voids is expected to affect the properties of their galaxies. Indeed, previous studies have shown that galaxies in voids are, on average, bluer and less massive, and have later morphologies and higher current star formation rates than galaxies in denser large-scale environments. However, it has never been observationally proved that the star formation histories (SFHs) in voids are substantially different from those in filaments, walls and clusters. Here we show that void galaxies have had, on average, slower SFHs than galaxies in denser large-scale environments. We also find two main SFH types present in all the environments: ‘short-timescale’ galaxies are not affected by their large-scale environment at early times but only later in their lives; ‘long-timescale’ galaxies have been continuously affected by their environment and stellar mass. Both types have evolved more slowly in voids than in filaments, walls and clusters.

Resolved imaging confirms a radiation belt around an ultracool dwarf


▲ 作者:Melodie M. Kao, Amy J. Mioduszewski, Jackie Villadsen & Evgenya L. Shkolnik

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研究者展示了超低温矮星LSR J1835 + 3259在8.4 GHz的高分辨率成像,表明它的静态无线电发射是空间分辨的,并追踪到双叶和轴对称结构,在形态上与木星辐射带相似。这两个叶瓣之间的距离高达18个超冷矮星半径,研究者在一年多的时间里进行了三次观测,发现其稳定存在。

对于受LSR J1835 + 3259磁偶极子约束的等离子体,研究者估计其电子能量为15 MeV,与木星的辐射带一致。该结果证实了最近对恒星质量序列两端辐射带的预测,并支持更广泛地重新研究旋转磁偶极子在棕矮星、完全对流的M矮星和大质量恒星产生非热静态射电辐射的过程。

▲ Abstract:

Radiation belts are present in all large-scale Solar System planetary magnetospheres: Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These persistent equatorial zones of relativistic particles up to tens of megaelectron volts in energy can extend further than ten times the planet’s radius, emit gradually varying radio emissions and affect the surface chemistry of close-in moons. Recent observations demonstrate that very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, collectively known as ultracool dwarfs, can produce planet-like radio emissions such as periodically bursting aurorae from large-scale magnetospheric currents. They also exhibit slowly varying quiescent radio emissions hypothesized to trace low-level coronal flaring despite departing from empirical multiwavelength flare relationships. Here we present high-resolution imaging of the ultracool dwarf LSR J1835+3259 at 8.4GHz, demonstrating that its quiescent radio emission is spatially resolved and traces a double-lobed and axisymmetrical structure that is similar in morphology to the Jovian radiation belts. Up to 18 ultracool dwarf radii separate the two lobes, which are stably present in three observations spanning more than one year. For plasma confined by the magnetic dipole of LSR J1835+3259, we estimate 15MeV electron energies, consistent with Jupiter’s radiation belts. Our results confirm recent predictions of radiation belts at both ends of the stellar mass sequence and support broader re-examination of rotating magnetic dipoles in producing non-thermal quiescent radio emissions from brown dwarfs7, fully convective M dwarfs20 and massive stars.


Organic–inorganic covalent–ionic molecules for elastic ceramic plastic


▲ 作者:Weifeng Fang, Zhao Mu, Yan He, Kangren Kong, Kai Jiang, Ruikang Tang & Zhaoming Liu

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有机共价硫辛酸(TA)与无机离子型碳酸钙低聚物(CCO)通过酸碱反应结合,得到具有代表性的分子式TA2Ca(CaCO3)2的TA - CCO杂化分子。其双重反应性涉及有机TA段和无机CCO段的共聚,产生各自的共价和离子网络。


▲ Abstract:

Although organic–inorganic hybrid materials have played indispensable roles as mechanical, optical, electronic and biomedical materials, isolated organic–inorganic hybrid molecules (at present limited to covalent compounds) are seldom used to prepare hybrid materials, owing to the distinct behaviours of organic covalent bonds and inorganic ionic bonds in molecular construction. Here we integrate typical covalent and ionic bonds within one molecule to create an organic–inorganic hybrid molecule, which can be used for bottom-up syntheses of hybrid materials. A combination of the organic covalent thioctic acid (TA) and the inorganic ionic calcium carbonate oligomer (CCO) through an acid–base reaction provides a TA–CCO hybrid molecule with the representative molecular formula TA2Ca(CaCO3)2. Its dual reactivity involving copolymerization of the organic TA segment and inorganic CCO segment generates the respective covalent and ionic networks. The two networks are interconnected through TA–CCO complexes to form a covalent–ionic bicontinuous structure within the resulting hybrid material, poly(TA–CCO), which unifies paradoxical mechanical properties. The bottom-up creation of organic–inorganic hybrid molecules provides a feasible pathway for the molecular engineering of hybrid materials, thereby supplementing the classical methodology used for the manufacture of organic–inorganic hybrid materials.

Linear-in-temperature resistivity for optimally superconducting (Nd,Sr)NiO2


▲ 作者:IKyuho Lee, Bai Yang Wang, Motoki Osada, Berit H. Goodge, Tiffany C. Wang, Yonghun Lee, Shannon Harvey, Woo Jin Kim, Yijun Yu, Chaitanya Murthy, Srinivas Raghu, Lena F. Kourkoutis & Harold Y. Hwang

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▲ Abstract:

The occurrence of superconductivity in proximity to various strongly correlated phases of matter has drawn extensive focus on their normal state properties, to develop an understanding of the state from which superconductivity emerges. The recent finding of superconductivity in layered nickelates raises similar interests. However, transport measurements of doped infinite-layer nickelate thin films have been hampered by materials limitations of these metastable compounds: in particular, a high density of extended defects. Here, by moving to a substrate(LaAlO3)0.3(Sr2TaAlO6)0.7 that better stabilizes the growth and reduction conditions, we can synthesize the doping series of Nd1-xSrxNiO2 essentially free from extended defects. In their absence, the normal state resistivity shows a low-temperature upturn in the underdoped regime, linear behaviour near optimal doping and quadratic temperature dependence for overdoping. This is phenomenologically similar to the copper oxides despite key distinctions—namely, the absence of an insulating parent compound, multiband electronic structure and a Mott–Hubbard orbital alignment rather than the charge-transfer insulator of the copper oxides. We further observe an enhancement of superconductivity, both in terms of transition temperature and range of doping. These results indicate a convergence in the electronic properties of both superconducting families as the scale of disorder in the nickelates is reduced.  

生态和气候Ecology & Climate

Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs


▲ 作者:Veronica Nava, Sudeep Chandra, Julian Aherne, María B. Alfonso, Ana M. Anto-Geraldes, Katrin Attermeyer, Roberto Bao, Mireia Bartrons, Stella A. Berger, Marcin Biernaczyk, Raphael Bissen, Justin D. Brookes, David Brown, Miguel Caedo-Argüelles, Moisés Canle, Camilla Capelli, Rafael Carballeira, José Luis Cereijo, Sakonvan Chawchai, Sren T. Christensen, Kirsten S. Christoffersen, Elvira de Eyto, Jorge Delgado, Tyler N. Dornan, …Barbara Leoni Show authors

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▲ Abstract:

Plastic debris is thought to be widespread in freshwater ecosystems globally. However, a lack of comprehensive and comparable data makes rigorous assessment of its distribution challenging. Here we present a standardized cross-national survey that assesses the abundance and type of plastic debris (>250 μm) in freshwater ecosystems. We sample surface waters of 38 lakes and reservoirs, distributed across gradients of geographical position and limnological attributes, with the aim to identify factors associated with an increased observation of plastics. We find plastic debris in all studied lakes and reservoirs, suggesting that these ecosystems play a key role in the plastic-pollution cycle. Our results indicate that two types of lakes are particularly vulnerable to plastic contamination: lakes and reservoirs in densely populated and urbanized areas and large lakes and reservoirs with elevated deposition areas, long water-retention times and high levels of anthropogenic influence. Plastic concentrations vary widely among lakes; in the most polluted, concentrations reach or even exceed those reported in the subtropical oceanic gyres, marine areas collecting large amounts of debris. Our findings highlight the importance of including lakes and reservoirs when addressing plastic pollution, in the context of pollution management and for the continued provision of lake ecosystem services.

A warming-induced reduction in snow fraction amplifies rainfall extremes


▲ 作者:Mohammed Ombadi, Mark D. Risser, Alan M. Rhoades & Charuleka Varadharajan 

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▲ Abstract:

The intensity of extreme precipitation events is projected to increase in a warmer climate, posing a great challenge to water sustainability in natural and built environments. Of particular importance are rainfall (liquid precipitation) extremes owing to their instantaneous triggering of runoff and association with floods, landslides and soil erosion. However, so far, the body of literature on intensification of precipitation extremes has not examined the extremes of precipitation phase separately, namely liquid versus solid precipitation. Here we show that the increase in rainfall extremes in high-elevation regions of the Northern Hemisphere is amplified, averaging 15 per cent per degree Celsius of warming—double the rate expected from increases in atmospheric water vapour. We utilize both a climate reanalysis dataset and future model projections to show that the amplified increase is due to a warming-induced shift from snow to rain. Furthermore, we demonstrate that intermodel uncertainty in projections of rainfall extremes can be appreciably explained by changes in snow–rain partitioning (coefficient of determination 0.47). Our findings pinpoint high-altitude regions as ‘hotspots’ that are vulnerable to future risk of extreme-rainfall-related hazards, thereby requiring robust climate adaptation plans to alleviate potential risk. Moreover, our results offer a pathway towards reducing model uncertainty in projections of rainfall extremes.   

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