作者:Andrea Temesi, Nóra Bunford et.al 来源:Springer 发布时间:2020/6/10 13:30:28
为什么有人称呼宠物为闺女儿子?| Biologia Futura

论文标题:Associations among attitudes towards motherhood, pet-keeping, and postpartum depression symptoms


作者:Andrea Temesi, Nóra Bunford et.al





动物与人类的关系类似于亲子关系。此外,养宠物与较少的生理和心理健康问题相关,动物辅助干预可改善抑郁症状。因此,养宠物和为人父母的认知表现可能相关,并且养宠物可以预防产后抑郁症状(postpartum depression symptoms, PPDS)。为了验证这些假设,发表在Biologia Futura 的论文Associations among attitudes towards motherhood, pet-keeping, and postpartum depression symptoms 通过在线问卷调查了715名女性对养宠物和做母亲的认知表现,以及它们之间的各种认知关联。结果表明,在认为生育是一种负担的女性中,宠物饲养与患产后抑郁症风险的增加有关。在有孩子的女性中,养宠物的人比不养宠物的人更觉得做母亲是一种负担,而对宠物持更积极态度的宠物主人更有可能认为做母亲是一种负担。这些结果表明,女性对宠物和做母亲的看法之间存在某种联系,而且在某种程度上,女性认为宠物扮演着与儿童类似的角色。重要的是,饲养宠物的无子女女性认为做母亲没那么难;因此这种养宠物的影响可用于治疗那些在某种程度上由于心理因素导致不孕不育的女性。



Biologia Futura期刊涵盖范围


我们现在拥有的科学知识如何影响未来(即地球和人类生命的未来)?我们能在当下做出选择来改变我们的未来吗?21世纪的生物学研究如何提出恰当的科学问题并找到可靠的答案?Biologia Futura (原Acta Biologica Hungarica)的主要目标即是解决这些问题。

与期刊名相符的是,该期刊的新使命是专注于有望取得重大进展或具有很强跨学科联系的生物学领域,并为未来的生物学研究提供新的途径。Biologia Futura 旨在发表来自生物学所有领域的文章。

摘要:Certain companion animals’ relationship to humans is analogous to child–parent attachment. Further, pet-keeping is associated with less physical and psychological health problems and animal-assisted interventions ameliorate depressive symptoms. Accordingly, cognitive representations of pet-keeping and parenthood may be related, and pet-keeping may protect against postpartum depression symptoms (PPDS). To test these hypotheses, we examined cognitive representations of pet-keeping and motherhood as well as various cognitive correlates of those in 715 women in an online questionnaire. Results indicate that among women who perceive maternity as a burdensome role, pet ownership is associated with an increased likelihood of having had PPDS. Among women with children, pet owners perceive maternity as more burdensome than non-owners and pet owners with a more positive attitude towards their pets are more likely to find maternity as a burdensome role. These findings suggest a relationship between women’s thoughts regarding pets and motherhood and also that, to some degree, women perceive pets as playing a similar role as children. Importantly, childless women who own a pet perceived motherhood as less difficult; this effect of pet-keeping can be capitalized upon in the treatment of women whose psychological characteristics play a role in their infertility.


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