来源:Genome Biology 发布时间:2019/10/8 13:56:24
Monthly Round Up | Genome Biology

Monthly Round Up | Genome Biology

期刊:Genome Biology

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Genome Biology is pleased to share with you our August content update, featuring journal news, top articles and our most recent table of contents.

Microbiome Biology Special Issue launched

The special issue on Microbiome Biology, guest edited by Rob Knight (UC San Diego, USA), Ruth Ley (MPI for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen, Germany), Elizabeth Grice (University of Pennsylvania, USA) and Jeroen Raes (KU Leuven, Belgium), has launched.

The special issue, joint with BMC Biology, will be publishing research, methods, and reviews covering diverse areas of microbiome research.


Featured Review and Research

Reproducibility of CRISPR-Cas9 methods for generation of conditional mouse alleles: a multi-center evaluation

A study of 20 laboratories worldwide demonstrates that one-donor methods for generation of cKO animal models are more efficient than two-donor methods.

RNA methylomes reveal the m6A-mediated regulation of DNA demethylase gene SlDML2 in tomato fruit ripening

Qin and colleagues show a novel gene regulation mechanism between DNA methylation and mRNA m6A methylation during fruit ripening.

An enhanced genetic model of colorectal cancer progression history

A study from Park et al shows a tumor progression model that identifies key events in the evolution of colorectal cancer.


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