来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/10/8 13:51:26
重构“嫦娥四号”着陆轨迹 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Descent trajectory reconstruction and landing site positioning of Chang’E-4 on the lunar farside

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Jianjun Liu, Xin Ren, Wei Yan, Chunlai Li, He Zhang, Yang Jia, Xingguo Zeng, Wangli Chen, Xingye Gao, Dawei Liu, Xu Tan, Xiaoxia Zhang, Tao Ni, Hongbo Zhang, Wei Zuo, Yan Su, Weibin Wen


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-12278-3


《自然-通讯》本周发表的一篇论文Descent trajectory reconstruction and landing site positioning of Chang’E-4 on the lunar farside精确定位了“嫦娥四号”的着陆位置,并对“嫦娥四号”的落月过程进行了重构。

图1:嫦娥四号的着陆点 图源: Liu等




摘要:Chang’E-4 (CE-4) was the first mission to accomplish the goal of a successful soft landing on the lunar farside. The landing trajectory and the location of the landing site can be effectively reconstructed and determined using series of images obtained during descent when there were no Earth-based radio tracking and the telemetry data. Here we reconstructed the powered descent trajectory of CE-4 using photogrammetrically processed images of the CE-4 landing camera, navigation camera, and terrain data of Chang’E-2. We confirmed that the precise location of the landing site is 177.5991°E, 45.4446°S with an elevation of −5935 m. The landing location was accurately identified with lunar imagery and terrain data with spatial resolutions of 7 m/p, 5 m/p, 1 m/p, 10 cm/p and 5 cm/p. These results will provide geodetic data for the study of lunar control points, high-precision lunar mapping, and subsequent lunar exploration, such as by the Yutu-2 rover.


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