来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/9/25 9:48:41
抗逆珊瑚在较低温条件下仍保持耐热性 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Stress-resistant corals may not acclimatize to ocean warming but maintain heat tolerance under cooler temperatures

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Verena Schoepf, Steven A. Carrion, Svenja M. Pfeifer, Melissa Naugle, Laurence Dugal,Jennifer Bruyn, Malcolm T. McCulloch


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-12065-0


根据《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Stress-resistant corals may not acclimatize to ocean warming but maintain heat tolerance under cooler temperatures,抗热珊瑚在较低温条件下仍可以保持健康和耐热性。但是,这些珊瑚在适应了较高温条件后,并不能提高自身的白化阈值。这表明来自极端高温条件下的珊瑚或可用来帮助恢复因白化而退化的低温珊瑚礁,但是它们适应快速变暖环境的能力将较为有限。

图1:澳大利亚西北部金伯利地区的珊瑚礁,这里的珊瑚承受着最大的热带浪潮(潮差可达10米) 图源:Verena Schoepf

图2:水族馆内养殖金伯利珊瑚的系统,在这里它们暴露于较热和较冷环境中6-9个月 图源:Verena Schoepf


澳大利亚珀斯西澳大利亚大学的Verena Schoepf和同事利用来自澳大利亚西北部金伯利地区的珊瑚种群开展了热实验,这些珊瑚能够忍受极端温度波动。他们将珊瑚移植到温度条件不同的水箱里面:或是与珊瑚自然生境的温度类似,或是在温度稳定或波动的情况下低4°C或是高1°C。珊瑚适应了低温(为期9个月)和高温(为期6个月)条件,但是一旦最高温度超过了正常的季节性波动范围,珊瑚的健康状况开始降低。作者对珊瑚做了两周的热应力测试,发现它们无法提高白化的阈值温度。


摘要:Naturally heat-resistant coral populations hold significant potential for facilitating coral reefsurvival under rapid climate change. However, it remains poorly understood whether they canacclimatize to ocean warming when superimposed on their already thermally-extremehabitats. Furthermore, it is unknown whether they can maintain their heat tolerance uponlarval dispersal or translocation to cooler reefs. We test this in a long-term mesocosmexperiment using stress-resistant corals from thermally-extreme reefs in NW Australia. Weshow that these corals have a remarkable ability to maintain their heat tolerance and healthdespite acclimation to 3–6 °C cooler, more stable temperatures over 9 months. However,they are unable to increase their bleaching thresholds after 6-months acclimation to+1°Cwarming. This apparent rigidity in the thermal thresholds of even stress-resistant coralshighlights the increasing vulnerability of corals to ocean warming, but provides a rationale forhuman-assisted migration to restore cooler, degraded reefs with corals from thermally-extreme reefs.


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