来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/7/8 15:34:12
多功能水母机器人 |《自然-通讯》

论文标题:Multi-functional soft-bodied jellyfish-like swimming

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Ziyu Ren, Wenqi Hu, Xiaoguang Dong, Metin Sitti


数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-019-10549-7



本周《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文 Multi-functional soft-bodied jellyfish-like swimming 报告了一种以钵水母碟状幼体scyphomedusae ephyra为灵感的无缆软体机器人,它仅有几毫米大小,却具备运输和钻挖等多种功能。研究表明,该机器人能够操控其周围的水流动,完成一系列任务。

图1:受水母启发的微型机器人的设计及游泳行为 图源:Ren等


视频1:水母机器人的活动情况和各功能展示 来源:Metin Sitti(观看视频请点击微信链接

德国马克斯•普朗克智能系统研究所的Metin Sitti及同事设计并制造了一种仅有几毫米大小的机器人,他们将一个磁性复合弹性体核(直径3毫米)与8个可弯曲的垂瓣连接在一起,施加振荡磁场后,这些垂瓣便会收缩再恢复,就像游泳的水母一样。除了游泳,他们的水母样机器人也能选择性地运输不同大小的球珠(模拟捕食)、钻入球珠中逃避捕食者或目标对象、混合不同的流体以及在其尾迹中生成一条化学路径。作者认为他们的机器人设计也可用作模型系统,帮助理解环境中的变化如何影响水母碟状幼体的生存。

视频2:水母机器人搬运不同大小的珠子 来源:Ren等(观看视频请点击微信链接

视频3:水母机器人进行液体混合 来源:Ren 等(观看视频请点击微信链接

摘要:The functionalities of the untethered miniature swimming robots significantly decrease as the robot size becomes smaller, due to limitations of feasible miniaturized on-board components. Here we propose an untethered jellyfish-inspired soft millirobot that could realize multiple functionalities in moderate Reynolds number by producing diverse controlled fluidic flows around its body using its magnetic composite elastomer lappets, which are actuated by an external oscillating magnetic field. We particularly investigate the interaction between the robot’s soft body and incurred fluidic flows due to the robot’s body motion, and utilize such physical interaction to achieve different predation-inspired object manipulation tasks. The proposed lappet kinematics can inspire other existing jellyfish-like robots to achieve similar functionalities at the same length and time scale. Moreover, the robotic platform could be used to study the impacts of the morphology and kinematics changing in ephyra jellyfish.


期刊介绍:Nature Communications (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

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•2-year impact factor: 12.353

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