来源:科学网 发布时间:2019/3/29 14:15:09


Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces
▲ 作者:Vojtěch Havlí?ek, Antonio D. Córcoles, Kristan Temme, et al
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
A core element in the computational speed-ups enabled by quantum algorithms is the exploitation of an exponentially large quantum state space through controllable entanglement and interference. Here we propose and experimentally implement two quantum algorithms on a superconducting processor. A key component in both methods is the use of the quantum state space as feature space. One method, the quantum variational classifier (SVM), uses a variational quantum circuit to classify the data in a way similar to the method of conventional support vector machines. The other method, a quantum kernel estimator, estimates the kernel function on the quantum computer and optimizes a classical SVM. The two methods provide tools for exploring the applications of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers to machine learning.
Thermodynamic signatures of quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors
▲ 作者:B. Michon, C. Girod, S. Badoux, J. Ka?mar?ík, et al
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
The three central phenomena of cuprate (copper oxide) superconductors are linked by a common doping level p*—at which the enigmatic pseudogap phase ends and the resistivity exhibits an anomalous linear dependence on temperature, and around which the superconducting phase forms a dome-shaped area in the phase diagram. Here we measure the specific heat C of the cuprates Eu-LSCO and Nd-LSCO at low temperature in magnetic fields large enough to suppress superconductivity, over a wide doping range that includes p*. As a function of doping, we find that Cel/T is strongly peaked at p* (whereCel is the electronic contribution to C) and exhibits a log(1/T) dependence as temperature T tends to zero. These are the classic thermodynamic signatures of a quantum critical point, as observed in heavy-fermion and iron-based superconductors at the point where their antiferromagnetic phase comes to an end. 
Proteomics identifies new therapeutic targets of early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma
▲ 作者:Ying Jiang, Aihua Sun, Yang Zhao, Wantao Ying, et al
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▲ 摘要:
S-III的特点是胆固醇稳态紊乱,总体生存率最低,一线手术后预后不良的风险最大。胆固醇O -酰基转移酶1(SOAT1)的高表达是S-III亚型特有的特征,它的下调可改变细胞胆固醇的分布,有效抑制肝细胞性肝癌的增殖和迁移。
▲ Abstract
Hepatocellular carcinoma is the third leading cause of deaths from cancer worldwide. Infection with the hepatitis B virus is one of the leading risk factors for developing hepatocellular carcinoma, particularly in East Asia. Here, using proteomic and phospho-proteomic profiling, we characterize 110 paired tumour and non-tumour tissues of clinical early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma related to hepatitis B virus infection. Our quantitative proteomic data highlight heterogeneity in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: we used this to stratify the cohort into the subtypes S-I, S-II and S-III, each of which has a different clinical outcome. S-III, which is characterized by disrupted cholesterol homeostasis, is associated with the lowest overall rate of survival and the greatest risk of a poor prognosis after first-line surgery. The knockdown of sterol O-acyltransferase 1 (SOAT1)—high expression of which is a signature specific to the S-III subtype—alters the distribution of cellular cholesterol, and effectively suppresses the proliferation and migration of hepatocellular carcinoma. 
Bacterial cGAS-like enzymes synthesize diverse nucleotide signals
▲ 作者:Aaron T. Whiteley, James B. Eaglesham, Carina C. de Oliveira Mann, et al
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▲ 摘要:
这里,我们对细菌信号核苷酸进行了系统的生物化学筛选,发现了一个大的cGAS/ dncv样核苷酸转移酶(CD-NTases)家族。它们同时利用嘌呤和嘧啶核苷酸合成多种CDNs。
▲ Abstract
Cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs) have central roles in bacterial homeostasis and virulence by acting as nucleotide second messengers. Bacterial CDNs also elicit immune responses during infection when they are detected by pattern-recognition receptors in animal cells. Here we perform a systematic biochemical screen for bacterial signalling nucleotides and discover a large family of cGAS/DncV-like nucleotidyltransferases (CD-NTases) that use both purine and pyrimidine nucleotides to synthesize a diverse range of CDNs. A series of crystal structures establish CD-NTases as a structurally conserved family and reveal key contacts in the enzyme active-site lid that direct purine or pyrimidine selection. CD-NTase products are not restricted to CDNs and also include an unexpected class of cyclic trinucleotide compounds. Biochemical and cellular analyses of CD-NTase signalling nucleotides demonstrate that these cyclic di- and trinucleotides activate distinct host receptors and thus may modulate the interaction of both pathogens and commensal microbiota with their animal and plant hosts.
A distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud that is precise to one per cent
▲ 作者:G. Pietrzyński, D. Graczyk, A. Gallenne, W. Gieren, et al
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
In the era of precision cosmology, it is essential to determine the Hubble constant empirically with an accuracy of one per cent or better. At present, the uncertainty on this constant is dominated by the uncertainty in the calibration of the Cepheid period–luminosity relationship (also known as the Leavitt law). The Large Magellanic Cloud has traditionally served as the best galaxy with which to calibrate Cepheid period–luminosity relations, and as a result has become the best anchor point for the cosmic distance scale. Here we report a calibration of the surface brightness–colour relation with a precision of 0.8 per cent. We use this calibration to determine a geometrical distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud that is precise to 1 per cent based on 20 eclipsing binary systems. The final distance is 49.59 ± 0.09 (statistical) ± 0.54 (systematic) kiloparsecs.
Exposing Anopheles mosquitoes to antimalarials blocks Plasmodium parasite transmission
▲ 作者:Douglas G. Paton, Lauren M. Childs, Maurice A. Itoe, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
Bites of Anopheles mosquitoes transmit Plasmodium falciparum parasites that cause malaria, which kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. Here we show that the development of P. falciparum can be rapidly and completely blocked when female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes take up low concentrations of specific antimalarials from treated surfaces—conditions that simulate contact with a bed net. Mosquito exposure to atovaquone before, or shortly after, P. falciparum infection causes full parasite arrest in the midgut, and prevents transmission of infection. Similar transmission-blocking effects are achieved using other cytochrome b inhibitors, which demonstrates that parasite mitochondrial function is a suitable target for killing parasites.
Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces
▲ 作者:Vojtěch Havlí?ek, Antonio D. Córcoles, Kristan Temme, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
A core element in the computational speed-ups enabled by quantum algorithms is the exploitation of an exponentially large quantum state space through controllable entanglement and interference. Here we propose and experimentally implement two quantum algorithms on a superconducting processor. A key component in both methods is the use of the quantum state space as feature space. One method, the quantum variational classifier (SVM), uses a variational quantum circuit to classify the data in a way similar to the method of conventional support vector machines. The other method, a quantum kernel estimator, estimates the kernel function on the quantum computer and optimizes a classical SVM. The two methods provide tools for exploring the applications of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers to machine learning.
Thermodynamic signatures of quantum criticality in cuprate superconductors
▲ 作者:B. Michon, C. Girod, S. Badoux, J. Ka?mar?ík, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
The three central phenomena of cuprate (copper oxide) superconductors are linked by a common doping level p*—at which the enigmatic pseudogap phase ends and the resistivity exhibits an anomalous linear dependence on temperature, and around which the superconducting phase forms a dome-shaped area in the phase diagram. Here we measure the specific heat C of the cuprates Eu-LSCO and Nd-LSCO at low temperature in magnetic fields large enough to suppress superconductivity, over a wide doping range that includes p*. As a function of doping, we find that Cel/T is strongly peaked at p* (whereCel is the electronic contribution to C) and exhibits a log(1/T) dependence as temperature T tends to zero. These are the classic thermodynamic signatures of a quantum critical point, as observed in heavy-fermion and iron-based superconductors at the point where their antiferromagnetic phase comes to an end. 
Proteomics identifies new therapeutic targets of early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma
▲ 作者:Ying Jiang, Aihua Sun, Yang Zhao, Wantao Ying, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
S-III的特点是胆固醇稳态紊乱,总体生存率最低,一线手术后预后不良的风险最大。胆固醇O -酰基转移酶1(SOAT1)的高表达是S-III亚型特有的特征,它的下调可改变细胞胆固醇的分布,有效抑制肝细胞性肝癌的增殖和迁移。
▲ Abstract
Hepatocellular carcinoma is the third leading cause of deaths from cancer worldwide. Infection with the hepatitis B virus is one of the leading risk factors for developing hepatocellular carcinoma, particularly in East Asia. Here, using proteomic and phospho-proteomic profiling, we characterize 110 paired tumour and non-tumour tissues of clinical early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma related to hepatitis B virus infection. Our quantitative proteomic data highlight heterogeneity in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: we used this to stratify the cohort into the subtypes S-I, S-II and S-III, each of which has a different clinical outcome. S-III, which is characterized by disrupted cholesterol homeostasis, is associated with the lowest overall rate of survival and the greatest risk of a poor prognosis after first-line surgery. The knockdown of sterol O-acyltransferase 1 (SOAT1)—high expression of which is a signature specific to the S-III subtype—alters the distribution of cellular cholesterol, and effectively suppresses the proliferation and migration of hepatocellular carcinoma. 
Bacterial cGAS-like enzymes synthesize diverse nucleotide signals
▲ 作者:Aaron T. Whiteley, James B. Eaglesham, Carina C. de Oliveira Mann, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
这里,我们对细菌信号核苷酸进行了系统的生物化学筛选,发现了一个大的cGAS/ dncv样核苷酸转移酶(CD-NTases)家族。它们同时利用嘌呤和嘧啶核苷酸合成多种CDNs。
▲ Abstract
Cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs) have central roles in bacterial homeostasis and virulence by acting as nucleotide second messengers. Bacterial CDNs also elicit immune responses during infection when they are detected by pattern-recognition receptors in animal cells. Here we perform a systematic biochemical screen for bacterial signalling nucleotides and discover a large family of cGAS/DncV-like nucleotidyltransferases (CD-NTases) that use both purine and pyrimidine nucleotides to synthesize a diverse range of CDNs. A series of crystal structures establish CD-NTases as a structurally conserved family and reveal key contacts in the enzyme active-site lid that direct purine or pyrimidine selection. CD-NTase products are not restricted to CDNs and also include an unexpected class of cyclic trinucleotide compounds. Biochemical and cellular analyses of CD-NTase signalling nucleotides demonstrate that these cyclic di- and trinucleotides activate distinct host receptors and thus may modulate the interaction of both pathogens and commensal microbiota with their animal and plant hosts.
A distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud that is precise to one per cent
▲ 作者:G. Pietrzyński, D. Graczyk, A. Gallenne, W. Gieren, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
In the era of precision cosmology, it is essential to determine the Hubble constant empirically with an accuracy of one per cent or better. At present, the uncertainty on this constant is dominated by the uncertainty in the calibration of the Cepheid period–luminosity relationship (also known as the Leavitt law). The Large Magellanic Cloud has traditionally served as the best galaxy with which to calibrate Cepheid period–luminosity relations, and as a result has become the best anchor point for the cosmic distance scale. Here we report a calibration of the surface brightness–colour relation with a precision of 0.8 per cent. We use this calibration to determine a geometrical distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud that is precise to 1 per cent based on 20 eclipsing binary systems. The final distance is 49.59 ± 0.09 (statistical) ± 0.54 (systematic) kiloparsecs.
Exposing Anopheles mosquitoes to antimalarials blocks Plasmodium parasite transmission
▲ 作者:Douglas G. Paton, Lauren M. Childs, Maurice A. Itoe, et al
▲ 链接:
▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract
Bites of Anopheles mosquitoes transmit Plasmodium falciparum parasites that cause malaria, which kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. Here we show that the development of P. falciparum can be rapidly and completely blocked when female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes take up low concentrations of specific antimalarials from treated surfaces—conditions that simulate contact with a bed net. Mosquito exposure to atovaquone before, or shortly after, P. falciparum infection causes full parasite arrest in the midgut, and prevents transmission of infection. Similar transmission-blocking effects are achieved using other cytochrome b inhibitors, which demonstrates that parasite mitochondrial function is a suitable target for killing parasites.
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