来源:科学网 发布时间:2019/3/29 14:05:55


 Observations of fast radio bursts at frequencies down to 400 megahertz
▲ 作者:CHIME/FRB协作组
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Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are highly dispersed millisecond-duration radio flashes probably arriving from far outside the Milky Way. This phenomenon was discovered at radio frequencies near 1.4 gigahertz and so far has been observed in one case at as high as 8 gigahertz, but not at below 700 megahertz in spite of substantial searches at low frequencies. Here we report detections of 13 FRBs at radio frequencies as low as 400 megahertz, on the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) using the CHIME/FRB instrument. They were detected during a telescope pre-commissioning phase, when the sensitivity and field of view were not yet at design specifications. Emission in multiple events is seen down to 400 megahertz, the lowest radio frequency to which the telescope is sensitive.
A second source of repeating fast radio bursts
▲ 作者:The CHIME/FRB协作组
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重复快速射电暴(FRB)来源——FRB 121102的发现,排除了涉及这个源头的灾难性事件的模型。
这里,我们报告了对来自FRB 180814.J0422+73的6次重复射电暴的探测结果。FRB 180814.J0422+73是加拿大氢强度测绘实验(CHIME)FRB项目在2018年7月和8月试运行阶段探测到的13次FRBs之一。
▲ Abstract
The discovery of a repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source, FRB 121102, eliminated models involving cataclysmic events for this source. No other repeating FRB has hitherto been detected despite many recent discoveries and follow-ups, suggesting that repeaters may be rare in the FRB population. Here we report the detection of six repeat bursts from FRB 180814.J0422+73, one of the 13 FRBs detected6 by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) FRB project7 during its pre-commissioning phase in July and August 2018. These repeat bursts are consistent with its origin from a single position on the sky, with the same dispersion measure, about 189 parsecs per cubic centimetre. 
Near-field photonic cooling through control of the chemical potential of photons
▲ 作者:Linxiao Zhu, Anthony Fiorino, Dakotah Thompson, et al
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▲ Abstract
Photonic cooling of matter has enabled both access to unexplored states of matter, such as Bose–Einstein condensates, and novel approaches to solid-state refrigeration. Critical to these photonic cooling approaches is the use of low-entropy coherent radiation from lasers, which makes the cooling process thermodynamically feasible. Here we report an experimental demonstration of photonic cooling without laser light using a custom-fabricated nanocalorimetric device and a photodiode. We show that when they are in each other’s near-field—that is, when the size of the vacuum gap between the planar surfaces of the calorimetric device and a reverse-biased photodiode is reduced to tens of nanometres—solid-state cooling of the calorimetric device can be accomplished via a combination of photon tunnelling, which enhances the transport of photons across nanoscale gaps, and suppression of photon emission from the photodiode due to a change in the chemical potential of the photons under an applied reverse bias. 
 Mapping orbital changes upon electron transfer with tunnelling microscopy on insulators
▲ 作者:Laerte L. Patera, Fabian Queck, Philipp Scheuerer & Jascha Repp
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Electron transfer plays a crucial part in many chemical reactions, including photosynthesis, combustion and corrosion. But even though redox-state transitions change the electronic structure of the molecules involved, mapping these changes at the single-molecule level is challenging. Here we show that when synchronizing voltage pulses that steer electron tunnelling between a conductive atomic force microscope tip and a substrate with the oscillation of the tip, we can perform tunnelling experiments on non-conductive substrates and thereby map the orbital structure of isolated molecules as a function of their redox state.
Interleukin-22 protects intestinal stem cells against genotoxic stress
▲ 作者:Konrad Gronke, Pedro P. Hernández, Jakob Zimmermann, et al
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这里,我们证实,3型先天淋巴细胞(ILC3)和γδ T细胞产生的细胞因子白介素-22(IL-22)是DDR机制在肠上皮干细胞中的重要调控者。
▲ Abstract
Environmental genotoxic factors pose a challenge to the genomic integrity of epithelial cells at barrier surfaces that separate host organisms from the environment. Genome integrity in epithelial stem cells is maintained by an evolutionarily conserved cellular response pathway, the DNA damage response (DDR). Here we show that the cytokine interleukin-22 (IL-22), produced by group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) and γδ T cells, is an important regulator of the DDR machinery in intestinal epithelial stem cells. Using a new mouse model that enables sporadic inactivation of the IL-22 receptor in colon epithelial stem cells, we demonstrate that IL-22 is required for effective initiation of the DDR following DNA damage. 
Discrete attractor dynamics underlies persistent activity in the frontal cortex
▲ 作者:Hidehiko K. Inagaki, Lorenzo Fontolan, Sandro Romani & Karel Svoboda
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▲ Abstract
Short-term memories link events separated in time, such as past sensation and future actions. Short-term memories are correlated with slow neural dynamics, including selective persistent activity, which can be maintained over seconds. In a delayed response task that requires short-term memory, neurons in the mouse anterior lateral motor cortex (ALM) show persistent activity that instructs future actions. To determine the principles that underlie this persistent activity, here we combined intracellular and extracellular electrophysiology with optogenetic perturbations and network modelling. We show that during the delay epoch, the activity of ALM neurons moved towards discrete end points that correspond to specific movement directions. Our results show that discrete attractor dynamics underlie short-term memory related to motor planning.


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