来源: 发布时间:2024/6/14 14:41:55








北京时间2024年6月14日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第190期邀请到了京都大学Satoshi Horike进行分享!此外,复旦大学Fan Zhu、上海大学Wenqian Chen、北京大学Jinhu Dou等教授担任嘉宾,复旦大学Zhuo Li教授担任主持人。



Satoshi Horike


Creating New Glass Materials from Metals and Molecules


People have been utilizing glass since 2000 B.C. Today, glass is still an indispensable material for daily life, used in giant buildings and smartphone screens. Most of the glass used today is made of oxides or organic polymers, which are brittle and impervious to electricity and air. If it is possible to make very soft glass, or glass that transports electricity or air, new applications will open up. To change the properties of glass, its composition and molecular structure must be controlled. Unlike crystals, glasses have an irregular (random) structure. Therefore, it is still difficult to understand the structure rigorously and design the molecular structure in glass.

We are creating a new type of glass that may change the image of conventional glass. By utilizing both metals and molecules, we can create glasses with a variety of network structures. Some of these glasses have the capability to allow only certain gas molecules to pass through selectively, and others exhibit conductivity. In this talk, I will introduce such metal-molecule network glasses, their synthesis methods, and the forefront of their properties as materials.




Satoshi Horike received his PhD in chemistry from Kyoto University in 2007, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California, Berkeley, from 2007 to 2009. He returned to Kyoto in 2009 as an Assistant Professor and has been an Associate Professor/PI at Kyoto University since 2017. He is currently a professor at the graduate school of science, Kyoto University, and the Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology, Thailand. His research interest is the synthesis of glass and liquid states of molecular framework materials.

He received the 19th Japan Academy Medal from the Japan Academy, and the 19th JSPS Prize from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in 2022. He serves on the editorial advisory board of Nano Letters (ACS), Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (RSC), and guest editor of Communications Chemistry (Springer Nature), and APL Materials (AIP Publishing).

Satoshi Horike于2007年在京都大学获得化学博士学位,随后于2007年至2009年在加州大学伯克利分校进行博士后研究。2009年他回到京都担任助理教授,并自2017年以来一直是京都大学的副教授/课题负责人。他目前是京都大学研究生院的教授,同时也是泰国Vidyasirimedhi科学技术研究所的教授。他的研究兴趣是分子框架材料的玻璃态和液态的合成。

他在2022年获得了日本学士院颁发的第19届日本学士院奖章,以及日本学术振兴会颁发的第19届日本学术振兴会奖。他担任Nano Letters(美国化学会)、Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers(英国皇家化学学会)的编辑咨询委员会成员,以及Communications Chemistry(Springer Nature)和APL Materials(美国物理联合会出版)的客座编辑。

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