来源:科学网 发布时间:2024/3/15 14:28:31
北京时间2024年3月15日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第177期邀请到了中国科学院化学研究所的宋延林研究员进行分享!此外,清华大学孙洪波教授、香港大学方绚莱教授、北京大学张海霞教授将担任嘉宾,北京大学申诗涛作为挑战者,北卡州立大学的Martin Thuo教授将担任主持人。这将是一场汇聚顶尖学者的盛会,共同探讨前沿科技与学术挑战!更多精彩,敬请期待!
Yanlin Song
Nano Green Printing and Manufacturing Technology
Based on the fundamental scientific issues of nanomaterial preparation and functional inkjet patterning, a systematic Nano Green Printing technology has been developed by studying the construction of nanomaterials with differential wettability on material surfaces. The precise control of the conversion from translational kinetic energy to rotational kinetic energy before and after droplet collision has been achieved using patterned wettability surfaces. This process breaks through the scope of classical Newtons collision law and realizes a change in the motion mode of droplets before and after collision, providing new ideas for the preparation and precise control of high-precision patterns. Starting from the manipulation of droplets for three-dimensional shaping, spontaneous contraction of droplets in three-dimensional space has been achieved by using templates, enabling rapid assembly and shaping of three-dimensional micro/nano structures using single or multiple materials. Furthermore, the evolution of foam has been controlled using micro-templates, overcoming the long-standing challenge of patterned control of bubbles, and realizing the anti-Oswald ripening and patterning of bubbles. This has been used as a printing template for the assembly of multiple functional materials. In particular, by utilizing the advantages of droplet manipulation in nanoscale green printing, we discover the critical conditions for the scattering-diffraction transition of nano-photonic structures, an optical metamaterial detection chip has been developed for ultra-sensitive and rapid detection of novel coronavirus, influenza virus, and tumor markers. This opens up new ideas for the printing fabrication of functional devices and micro/nano chips, and establishes the theoretical and technical system of nanoscale green printing technology.
Yanlin Song is the director of the Key Laboratory of Green Printing at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been engaged in interdisciplinary research on materials science and printing technology, and has made systematic innovative achievements in the creation of nanomaterials, interface droplet manipulation, and printing micro/nano manufacturing. He has published over 500 papers, with over 36,000 citations and an H-index of 100. He has been granted more than 170 Chinese international invention patents. He has proposed and developed Nano Green Printing and micro/nano manufacturing technology, breaking through fundamental challenges such as the coffee ring effect, Rayleigh instability, and Marangoni effect that affect printing accuracy. He has printed wearable electronics, solar cells, ultra-sensitive biosensing chips, and other functional devices. He also proposed the IEC-TC119 International Standard for Printed Electronics. He was awarded the National Distinguished Young Scientist Fund in 2006 and Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor in 2016. He has received the National Natural Science Second Prize in 2005 and 2008, the Beijing Science and Technology First Prize in 2016, the IEC 1906 award in 2019,and the National Innovation Competition Award in 2023.
宋延林,中国科学院化学研究所绿色印刷重点实验室主任、研究员。长期从事材料科学与印刷技术的交叉研究,在纳米材料创制、界面液滴操控和印刷微纳制造方面取得了系统性成果。发表 SCI 论文 500 余篇,被引用 36000 余次,H 指数 100;获授权中国和国际发明专利 170 余项。提出和发展了纳米绿色印刷微纳制造技术,突破了影响印刷精度的咖啡环效应、瑞利失稳和马兰戈尼效应等基础难题,印刷制备了可穿戴电子、太阳能电池、生物检测芯片等功能器件,并主持起草了IEC-TC119 印刷电子国际标准。2006年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助, 2005年和2008年国家自然科学二等奖,2016年北京市科学技术一等奖,2019年IEC 1906奖,2023年全国创新争先奖等。


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