作者:李言 来源:科学网微信公众号 发布时间:2023/12/16 20:15:00


编译 | 李言

Nature, 14 December 2023, Volume 624 Issue 7991




15NH3 in the atmosphere of a cool brown dwarf


▲ 作者:David Barrado, Paul Mollière et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们报告了JWST中红外仪器对有效温度为380 K的冷褐矮星大气中14NH3和15NH3同位素异构体的中红外探测结果。


▲ Abstract:

Here we report on the mid-infrared detection of the 14NH3 and 15NH3 isotopologues in the atmosphere of a cool brown dwarf with an effective temperature of 380 K in a spectrum taken with the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) of JWST. As expected, our results reveal a 14N/15N value consistent with star-like formation by gravitational collapse, demonstrating that this ratio can be accurately constrained. Because young stars and their planets should be more strongly enriched in the 15N isotope, we expect that 15NH3 will be detectable in several cold, wide-separation exoplanets.


Reconfigurable moiré nanolaser arrays with phase synchronization


▲ 作者:Hong-Yi Luan, Yun-Hao Ouyang et al.

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▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract:

Here we propose and demonstrate moiré nanolaser arrays based on optical flatbands in twisted photonic graphene lattices, in which coherent nanolasing is realized from a single nanocavity to reconfigurable arrays of nanocavities. We observe synchronized nanolaser arrays exhibiting high spatial and spectral coherence, across a range of distinct patterns, including P, K and U shapes and the Chinese characters ‘中’ and ‘国’ (‘China’ in Chinese). Moreover, we obtain nanolaser arrays that emit with spatially varying relative phases, allowing us to manipulate emission directions. Our work lays the foundation for the development of reconfigurable active devices that have potential applications in communication, LiDAR (light detection and ranging), optical computing and imaging.

材料科学Materials Science

Multiscale stress deconcentration amplifies fatigue resistance of rubber


▲ 作者:Jason Steck, Junsoo Kim et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们通过多尺度应力分散放大了颗粒增强橡胶的疲劳阈值。我们合成了一种高度纠缠的长聚合物与刚性颗粒紧密结合的橡胶。在裂纹尖端,应力分散在两个长度尺度上:首先通过聚合物,然后通过颗粒。这种橡胶的疲劳阈值约为1000 J m-2


▲ Abstract:

Here we amplify the fatigue threshold of particle-reinforced rubbers by multiscale stress deconcentration. We synthesize a rubber in which highly entangled long polymers strongly adhere with rigid particles. At a crack tip, stress deconcentrates across two length scales: first through polymers and then through particles. This rubber achieves a fatigue threshold of approximately 1,000 J m-2. Mounts and grippers made of this rubber bear high loads and resist crack growth over repeated operation. Multiscale stress deconcentration expands the space of materials properties, opening doors to curtailing polymer pollution and building high-performance soft machines.

气候科学Climate Science

Spread in climate policy scenarios unravelled


▲ 作者:Mark M. Dekker, Andries F. Hof et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

A comprehensive attribution of the spread in climate policy scenarios helps policymakers, stakeholders and scientists to cope with large uncertainties in this field. Here we attribute this spread to the underlying drivers using Sobol decomposition, yielding the importance of each driver for scenario outcomes. As expected, the climate target explains most of the spread in greenhouse gas emissions, total and sectoral fossil fuel use, total renewable energy and total carbon capture and storage in electricity generation. Unexpectedly, model differences drive variation of most other scenario outcomes, for example, in individual renewable and carbon capture and storage technologies, and energy in demand sectors, reflecting intrinsic uncertainties about long-term developments and the range of possible mitigation strategies. Only a few scenario outcomes, such as hydrogen use, are driven by other scenario assumptions, reflecting the need for more scenario differentiation.


The molecular cytoarchitecture of the adult mouse brain


▲ 作者:Jonah Langlieb, Nina S. Sachdev et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

To construct a comprehensive atlas of cell types in each brain structure, we paired high-throughput single-nucleus RNA sequencing with Slide-seq—a recently developed spatial transcriptomics method with near-cellular resolution—across the entire mouse brain. Integration of these datasets revealed the cell type composition of each neuroanatomical structure. Cell type diversity was found to be remarkably high in the midbrain, hindbrain and hypothalamus, with most clusters requiring a combination of at least three discrete gene expression markers to uniquely define them. Using these data, we developed a framework for genetically accessing each cell type, comprehensively characterized neuropeptide and neurotransmitter signalling, elucidated region-specific specializations in activity-regulated gene expression and ascertained the heritability enrichment of neurological and psychiatric phenotypes. These data, available as an online resource, should find diverse applications across neuroscience, including the construction of new genetic tools and the prioritization of specific cell types and circuits in the study of brain diseases.

A novel antidiuretic hormone governs tumour-induced renal dysfunction


▲ 作者:Wenhao Xu, Gerui Li et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here, using conserved tumour models in Drosophila melanogaster, we characterized isoform F of ion transport peptide (ITPF) as a fly antidiuretic hormone that is secreted by a subset of yki3SA gut tumour cells, impairs renal function and causes severe abdomen bloating and fluid accumulation. Mechanistically, tumour-derived ITPF targets the G-protein-coupled receptor TkR99D in stellate cells of Malpighian tubules—an excretory organ that is equivalent to renal tubules—to activate nitric oxide synthase–cGMP signalling and inhibit fluid excretion. We further uncovered antidiuretic functions of mammalian neurokinin 3 receptor (NK3R), the homologue of fly TkR99D, as pharmaceutical blockade of NK3R efficiently alleviates renal tubular dysfunction in mice bearing different malignant tumours. Together, our results demonstrate a novel antidiuretic pathway mediating tumour–renal crosstalk across species and offer therapeutic opportunities for the treatment of cancer-associated renal dysfunction.

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