Title: A geographic history of human genetic ancestry
Author: Michael C. Grundler, Jonathan Terhorst, Gideon S. Bradburd
Issue&Volume: 2025-03-28
Abstract: Describing the distribution of genetic variation across individuals is a fundamental goal of population genetics. We present a method that capitalizes on the rich genealogical information encoded in genomic tree sequences to infer the geographic locations of the shared ancestors of a sample of sequenced individuals. We used this method to infer the geographic history of genetic ancestry of a set of human genomes sampled from Europe, Asia, and Africa, accurately recovering major population movements on those continents. Our findings demonstrate the importance of defining the spatiotemporal context of genetic ancestry when describing human genetic variation and caution against the oversimplified interpretations of genetic data prevalent in contemporary discussions of race and ancestry.
DOI: adp4642
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adp4642