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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/3/20 15:19:13

纽约大学Michael A. Long研究组揭示了鹦鹉和人类前脑运动网络中的收敛声音表征。相关论文发表在2025年3月19日出版的《自然》杂志上。

为了研究这种功能组织是否是人类独有的,该课题组对鹦鹉(Melopsittacthem undulatthem)的声音产生电路进行了种群记录。鹦鹉是一种小型鹦鹉,可以产生灵活的声音输出,包括模仿语音。使用高密度硅探针,课题组研究人员测量了与歌曲相关的前脑区域的活动,即前弓部(AAC)的中央核核,它直接投射到脑干发声运动神经元。课题组人员发现AAC神经元形成了一个功能性的发声运动图,反映了正在进行的发声的频谱特性。该课题组研究人员没有在斑胸草雀的相应前脑回路中观察到这种组织原则,斑胸草雀是一种能够更有限地学习声音的鸣鸟。研究小组进一步证明,AAC代表了不同的声乐特征(例如,谐波结构和宽带能量)的产生。




Title: Convergent vocal representations in parrot and human forebrain motor networks

Author: Yang, Zetian, Long, Michael A.

Issue&Volume: 2025-03-19

Abstract: Cortical networks for the production of spoken language in humans are organized by phonetic features1,2, such as articulatory parameters3,4 and vocal pitch5,6. Previous research has failed to find an equivalent forebrain representation in other species7,8,9,10,11. To investigate whether this functional organization is unique to humans, here we performed population recordings in the vocal production circuitry of the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), a small parrot that can generate flexible vocal output12,13,14,15, including mimicked speech sounds16. Using high-density silicon probes17, we measured the song-related activity of a forebrain region, the central nucleus of the anterior arcopallium (AAC), which directly projects to brainstem phonatory motor neurons18,19,20. We found that AAC neurons form a functional vocal motor map that reflects the spectral properties of ongoing vocalizations. We did not observe this organizing principle in the corresponding forebrain circuitry of the zebra finch, a songbird capable of more limited vocal learning21. We further demonstrated that the AAC represents the production of distinct vocal features (for example, harmonic structure and broadband energy). Furthermore, we discovered an orderly representation of vocal pitch at the population level, with single neurons systematically selective for different frequency values. Taken together, we have uncovered a functional representation in a vertebrate brain that displays unprecedented commonalities with speech-related motor cortices in humans. This work therefore establishes the parrot as an important animal model for investigating speech motor control and for developing therapeutic solutions for addressing a range of communication disorders22,23.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-025-08695-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-025-08695-8

