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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/3/12 15:37:55

KNCV结核病基金会Salome Charalambous小组近日取得一项新成果。经过不懈努力,他们报道了数字依从技术对药物敏感结核病患者治疗结果的影响。相关论文发表在2025年3月11日出版的《柳叶刀》杂志上。






Title: Effect of digital adherence technologies on treatment outcomes in people with drug-susceptible tuberculosis: four pragmatic, cluster-randomised trials

Author: Degu Jerene, Kristian van Kalmthout, Jens Levy, Jason Alacapa, Natasha Deyanova, Tanyaradzwa Dube, Andrew Mganga, Bianca Tasca, Alexsey Bogdanov, Egwuma Efo, Katya Gamazina, Anna Marie Celina Garfin, Volodymyr Kochanov, Adrian Leung, Norma Madden, Noriah Maraba, Christopher Finn McQuaid, Liberate Mleoh, Baraka Onjare, Rachel Powers, Yana Terleiva, Job van Rest, Agnes Gebhard, Katherine Fielding, Salome Charalambous

Issue&Volume: 2025-03-11

Abstract: Background

The impact of digital adherence technologies on tuberculosis treatment outcomes remains poorly understood. We investigated whether smart pillboxes and medication labels can reduce poor treatment outcomes in patients with tuberculosis.


We did independent pragmatic, cluster-randomised trials in the Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania, and Ukraine. 110 clusters were randomly assigned (1:1) to standard of care versus intervention arms, which were further randomly assigned (1:1; except in Ukraine) to a smart pillbox or medication labels. We enrolled adult patients receiving treatment for drug-susceptible tuberculosis. The pillbox gave an audio-visual reminder to take medication, and when the box was opened, a signal was transmitted to the adherence platform. Those in the labels arm received medications with label attached, showing a code, which they messaged when a dose was taken; otherwise, a reminder was sent. The primary outcome was a composite poor end of treatment outcome, defined as having documented treatment failure, loss to follow-up (treatment interruption for ≥2 consecutive months), switched to a multidrug-resistant regimen more than 28 days after treatment start, or death. The trials are complete and registered with ISRCTN, 17706019.


Between June 21, 2021, and July 8, 2022, we enrolled 25606 individuals (12626 on standard of care and 12980 on intervention) across 220 clusters in the four trials, of whom 23483 (91·7%; 11313 on standard of care and 12170 on intervention) were included in the intention-to-treat population. 8208 (35·0%) of 23483 individuals were female. 9717 (85·9%) of 11313 individuals in the standard of care arm and 10540 (86·6%) of 12170 individuals in the intervention arm were analysed for the primary outcome. The risk of the primary outcome did not differ by intervention arm for all countries (Philippines adjusted odds ratio 1·13, 95% CI 0·72–1·78, p=0·59; Tanzania 1·49, 0·99–2·23; p=0·056; South Africa 1·19, 0·88–1·60; p=0·25; Ukraine adjusted risk ratio 1·15, 95% CI 0·83–1·59; p=0·38). Two incidents of social harm were reported due to inadvertent disclosure of treatment status in the pillbox arm, resulting in withdrawal of the participants.


Digital adherence technologies did not reduce poor treatment outcomes in the four countries investigated. The use of digital adherence technologies should be based on careful review of additional data on economic evaluation, patient and stakeholder preferences, and the effect on other important patient outcomes beyond programmatic treatment outcomes.

DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02847-2

Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(24)02847-2/abstract

