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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/3/11 13:57:46

斯坦福大学Kerwyn Casey Huang小组近日取得一项新成果。经过不懈努力,他们报道了婴儿肠道共生体短双歧杆菌的基因组规模资源揭示了定植和宿主-微生物相互作用的遗传决定因素。相关论文于2025年3月10日发表在《细胞》杂志上。




Title: Genome-scale resources in the infant gut symbiont Bifidobacterium breve reveal genetic determinants of colonization and host-microbe interactions

Author: Anthony L. Shiver, Jiawei Sun, Rebecca Culver, Arvie Violette, Char Wynter, Marta Nieckarz, Samara Paula Mattiello, Prabhjot Kaur Sekhon, Francesca Bottacini, Lisa Friess, Hans K. Carlson, Daniel P.G.H. Wong, Steven Higginbottom, Meredith Weglarz, Weigao Wang, Benjamin D. Knapp, Emma Guiberson, Juan Sanchez, Po-Hsun Huang, Paulo A. Garcia, Cullen R. Buie, Benjamin H. Good, Brian DeFelice, Felipe Cava, Joy Scaria, Justin L. Sonnenburg, Douwe Van Sinderen, Adam M. Deutschbauer, Kerwyn Casey Huang

Issue&Volume: 2025-03-10

Abstract: Bifidobacteria represent a dominant constituent of human gut microbiomes during infancy, influencing nutrition, immune development, and resistance to infection. Despite interest in bifidobacteria as a live biotic therapy, our understanding of colonization, host-microbe interactions, and the health-promoting effects of bifidobacteria is limited. To address these major knowledge gaps, we used a large-scale genetic approach to create a mutant fitness compendium in Bifidobacterium breve. First, we generated a high-density randomly barcoded transposon insertion pool and used it to determine fitness requirements during colonization of germ-free mice and chickens with multiple diets and in response to hundreds of in vitro perturbations. Second, to enable mechanistic investigation, we constructed an ordered collection of insertion strains covering 1,462 genes. We leveraged these tools to reveal community- and diet-specific requirements for colonization and to connect the production of immunomodulatory molecules to growth benefits. These resources will catalyze future investigations of this important beneficial microbe.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2025.02.010

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(25)00195-3
