近日,美国哈佛大学的Mikhail D. Lukin及其研究团队取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们揭示可编程模拟器上的量子粗化和集体动力学。相关研究成果已于2025年2月5日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表。
Title: Quantum coarsening and collective dynamics on a programmable simulator
Author: Manovitz, Tom, Li, Sophie H., Ebadi, Sepehr, Samajdar, Rhine, Geim, Alexandra A., Evered, Simon J., Bluvstein, Dolev, Zhou, Hengyun, Koyluoglu, Nazli Ugur, Feldmeier, Johannes, Dolgirev, Pavel E., Maskara, Nishad, Kalinowski, Marcin, Sachdev, Subir, Huse, David A., Greiner, Markus, Vuleti, Vladan, Lukin, Mikhail D.
Issue&Volume: 2025-02-05
Abstract: Understanding the collective quantum dynamics of non-equilibrium many-body systems is an outstanding challenge in quantum science. In particular, dynamics driven by quantum fluctuations are important for the formation of exotic quantum phases of matter, fundamental high-energy processes, quantum metrology and quantum algorithms. Here we use a programmable quantum simulator based on Rydberg atom arrays to experimentally study collective dynamics across a (2+1)-dimensional Ising quantum phase transition. After crossing the quantum critical point, we observe a gradual growth of correlations through coarsening of antiferromagnetically ordered domains. By deterministically preparing and following the evolution of ordered domains, we show that the coarsening is driven by the curvature of domain boundaries, and find that the dynamics accelerate with proximity to the quantum critical point. We quantitatively explore these phenomena and further observe long-lived oscillations of the order parameter, corresponding to an amplitude (‘Higgs’) mode. These observations offer a viewpoint into emergent collective dynamics in strongly correlated quantum systems and non-equilibrium quantum processes.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08353-5
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08353-5