据悉,在感染期间,CD4+ Foxp3+调节性T (Treg)细胞会控制自身反应性CD4+常规T (Tconv)细胞对自身肽抗原的反应,同时允许对病原体衍生的“非自身”肽的反应。
Title: Regulatory T cells constrain T cells of shared specificity to enforce tolerance during infection
Author: David E. J. Klawon, Nicole Pagane, Matthew T. Walker, Nicole K. Ganci, Christine H. Miller, Eric Gai, Donald M. Rodriguez, Bridgett K. Ryan-Payseur, Ryan K. Duncombe, Erin J. Adams, Mark Maienschein-Cline, Nancy E. Freitag, Ronald N. Germain, Harikesh S. Wong, Peter A. Savage
Issue&Volume: 2025-02-27
Abstract: During infections, CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells must control autoreactive CD4+ conventional T (Tconv) cell responses against self-peptide antigens while permitting those against pathogen-derived “nonself” peptides. We defined the basis of this selectivity using mice in which Treg cells reactive to a single prostate-specific self-peptide were selectively depleted. We found that self-peptide-specific Treg cells were dispensable for the control of Tconv cells of matched specificity at homeostasis. However, they were required to control such Tconv cells and prevent autoimmunity toward the prostate following exposure to elevated self-peptide during infection. Importantly, the Treg cell response to self-peptide did not impact protective Tconv cell responses to a pathogen-derived peptide. Thus, self-peptide-specific Treg cells promoted self-nonself discrimination during infection by selectively controlling Tconv cells of shared self-specificity.
DOI: adk3248
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk3248