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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/2/19 15:48:46

近日,日本京都大学教授Takashi Hiiragi及其小组的研究显示,细胞形状、基质和组织动力学的耦合确保了胚胎模式的稳健性。该项研究成果发表在2025年2月18日出版的《Nature Cell Biology》上。





Title: Coupling of cell shape, matrix and tissue dynamics ensures embryonic patterning robustness

Author: Moghe, Prachiti, Belousov, Roman, Ichikawa, Takafumi, Iwatani, Chizuru, Tsukiyama, Tomoyuki, Erzberger, Anna, Hiiragi, Takashi

Issue&Volume: 2025-02-18

Abstract: Tissue patterning coordinates morphogenesis, cell dynamics and fate specification. Understanding how precision in patterning is robustly achieved despite inherent developmental variability during mammalian embryogenesis remains a challenge. Here, based on cell dynamics quantification and simulation, we show how salt-and-pepper epiblast and primitive endoderm (PrE) cells pattern the inner cell mass of mouse blastocysts. Coupling cell fate and dynamics, PrE cells form apical polarity-dependent actin protrusions required for RAC1-dependent migration towards the surface of the fluid cavity, where PrE cells are trapped due to decreased tension. Concomitantly, PrE cells deposit an extracellular matrix gradient, presumably breaking the tissue-level symmetry and collectively guiding their own migration. Tissue size perturbations of mouse embryos and their comparison with monkey and human blastocysts further demonstrate that the fixed proportion of PrE/epiblast cells is optimal with respect to embryo size and tissue geometry and, despite variability, ensures patterning robustness during early mammalian development.

DOI: 10.1038/s41556-025-01618-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-025-01618-9


Nature Cell Biology:《自然—细胞生物学》,创刊于1999年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.213