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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/2/13 16:24:27



据悉,独角金寄生对全球粮食生产构成重大威胁。在缺磷条件下,寄生菌的萌发和生长依赖于作物根系分泌的独角金内酯(SLs),尽管这种寄主-寄生虫相互作用的机制尚不清楚。本研究通过对Pi缺乏或SL GR245DS处理的高粱的转录组学和功能分析,鉴定出SL的两种ABC转运蛋白G (ABCG)转运蛋白,即高粱生物色单聚内酯转运蛋白1 (SbSLT1)和SbSLT2。


Title: Resistance to Striga parasitism through reduction of strigolactone exudation

Author: Jiayang Shi, Cuo Mei, Fengyong Ge, Qingliang Hu, Xinwei Ban, Ran Xia, Peiyong Xin, Shujing Cheng, Gaohua Zhang, Jiawei Nie, Shiqi Zhang, Xiaowei Ma, Yi Wang, Jinfang Chu, Yuhang Chen, Bing Wang, Weihua Wu, Jiayang Li, Qi Xie, Feifei Yu

Issue&Volume: 2025-02-12

Abstract: Parasitism with Striga poses a major threat to global food production. Striga germination and growth rely on strigolactones (SLs) exuded by crop roots under phosphate (Pi)-deficient conditions, although the mechanism of this host-parasite interaction remains elusive. In this study, transcriptomic and functional analyses of sorghum treated with Pi deficiency or the SL GR245DS identify two ABC transporter G (ABCG) transporters of SL, Sorghum biocolor strigolactones transporter 1 (SbSLT1) and SbSLT2. Using AlphaFold2 and amino acid conversion mutants, we identify highly conserved amino acids in SL transport channels essential for transport function. Sorghum lines with single or double knockouts of these transporters exhibit significantly reduced SL secretion from roots, leading to decreased Striga germination and parasitism in field experiments and consequently reducing the grain loss under Striga infestation. This study thus describes the mechanism of SL exudation in monocots and defines conserved residues essential for SL transporter function, offering a potential strategy for enhancing crop resistance to Striga parasitism.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2025.01.022

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(25)00086-8
