美国波士顿儿童医院Clifford J. Woolf小组发现了巨噬细胞保护周围神经病变的感觉轴突损失。相关论文于2025年2月12日发表在《自然》杂志上。
Title: Macrophages protect against sensory axon loss in peripheral neuropathy
Author: Hakim, Sara, Jain, Aakanksha, Adamson, Stuart S., Petrova, Veselina, Indajang, Jonathan, Kim, Hyoung Woo, Kawaguchi, Riki, Wang, Qing, Duran, Elif S., Nelson, Drew, Greene, Caitlin A., Rasmussen, Jenae, Woolf, Clifford J.
Issue&Volume: 2025-02-12
Abstract: Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of type 2 diabetes, which is strongly associated with obesity1, causing sensory loss and, in some patients, neuropathic pain2,3. Although the onset and progression of diabetic peripheral neuropathy is linked with dyslipidaemia and hyperglycaemia4, the contribution of inflammation to peripheral neuropathy pathogenesis has not been investigated. Here we used a high-fat, high-fructose diet (HFHFD), which induces obesity and prediabetic metabolic changes, to study the onset of peripheral neuropathy. Mice fed the HFHFD developed persistent heat hypoalgesia after 3 months, but a reduction in epidermal skin nerve fibre density manifested only at 6 months. Using single-cell sequencing, we found that CCR2+ macrophages infiltrate the sciatic nerves of HFHFD-fed mice well before axonal degeneration is detectable. These infiltrating macrophages share gene expression similarities with nerve-crush-induced macrophages5 and express neurodegeneration-associated microglial marker genes6, although there is no axon loss or demyelination. Inhibiting the macrophage recruitment by genetically or pharmacologically blocking CCR2 signalling resulted in more severe heat hypoalgesia and accelerated skin denervation, as did deletion of Lgals3, a gene expressed in recruited macrophages. Recruitment of macrophages into the peripheral nerves of obese prediabetic mice is, therefore, neuroprotective, delaying terminal sensory axon degeneration by means of galectin3. Potentiating and sustaining early neuroprotective immune responses in patients could slow or prevent peripheral neuropathy.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08535-1
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08535-1