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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/2/12 23:46:45



据了解,无细胞DNA (cfDNA)诱导的免疫紊乱是系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的发病和恶化的原因。清除cfDNA主题阳离子聚合物代表了一种有前途的SLE管理模式。然而,它们主要通过静电相互作用结合cfDNA,这将导致捕获的cfDNA在被带负电荷的血清/细胞内成分竞争性取代时不希望的放电。


Title: Helix-Guarded Molecular Clips for Cell-Free DNA Scavenging and Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Author: Yang Zhou, Huan Ye, Yi Yu, Chenglong Ge, Mengyuan Yin, Zhongmin Liu, Jingrui Shen, Renxiang Zhou, Youyong Li, Kam W. Leong, Lichen Yin

Issue&Volume: February 11, 2025

Abstract: Immune disorders induced by cell-free DNA (cfDNA) account for the incidence and deterioration of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Scavenging of cfDNA using cationic polymers represents a promising modality for SLE management. However, they bind cfDNA mainly via electrostatic interaction, which would result in an undesired discharge of the captured cfDNA upon competitive replacement by the negatively charged serum/intracellular components. Inspired by the natural recognition mechanism of biomacromolecules via spatial matching, we herein developed a library of dendrimer-templated, spherical, α-helical, and guanidine-rich polypeptides as molecular clips for cfDNA scavenging. Upon optimization of the polypeptide length and density on the dendrimer surface, the top-performing G3-8 was identified, which could tightly confine cfDNA within the cavity between the adjacent, rod-like α-helices. As thus, the helical G3-8 but not the random-coiled analogue D,L-G3-8 enabled robust cfDNA scavenging under serum-rich conditions to inhibit TLR9 activation and inflammation. In SLE mice, i.v. injected G3-8 efficiently prevented organ failure and inhibited inflammation by scavenging cfDNA. This study provides an enlightened strategy to stably bind and scavenge cfDNA and may shift the current paradigm of SLE management.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c15646

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.4c15646


