本文采用从头算非绝热分子动力学(NAMD)模拟和密度泛函理论(DFT)计算相结合的方法,从理论上揭示了Co-负载单层黑磷(BP)催化剂Co@BP光场下C-C耦合的详细动态过程。特别地,Co@BP具有优异的光触媒性能:稳定性高、光生载体寿命长、还原性强。热力学结果表明,在无溶剂条件下对HCOOH (Ea = 0.29 eV)的选择性为99.99%,而在溶液条件下对CH2CH2 (Ea=0.33eV)的选择性为99.34%,两者的催化性能存在显著差异。慢生长MD模拟结果表明,水/乙腈混合溶剂(H2O/ACN)有利于C2+产物的形成,且H2O/ACN混合溶剂的最佳配比(1:9)有利于CO2转化为CH2CH2。在光照射下,该研究组发现多通道光子使吸附的CHO*与附近活性位点的CHO偶联,进一步在溶液中形成C2中间体。这项工作强调了反应介质对光生载体动力学的重要性,并提供了光催化CO2转化中调节产物选择性的策略。
Title: Multichannel Photon-Stimulated C-C Coupling for CO2 Reduction in a Mixed Water/Acetonitrile Solvent
Author: Fu-Li Sun, Cun-biao Lin, Zhi-rui Luo, Qing Chen, Wen-xian Chen, Gui-lin Zhuang
Issue&Volume: 2025-02-10
Abstract: Designing effective photocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction reaction (CO2RR) requires a precise understanding of the dynamically photocatalytic mechanism under real conditions (e.g. solvent, light field). Herein, we coupled ab-initio non-adiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) simulation and density functional theory (DFT) calculation to theoretically reveal the detailed dynamic process for C-C Coupling under light field on Co-supported monolayer black phosphorus (BP) catalyst Co@BP. Specially, Co@BP features excellent property for photocatalyst: high stability, long-lived photogenerated carriers and stronger reducing ability. Thermodynamically, it shown that a dramatic difference in catalytic properties with 99.99% selectivity for HCOOH in solvent-free condition (Ea = 0.29 eV) and 99.34% selectivity for CH2CH2 in solution (Ea = 0.33 eV). Slow-growth based MD simulation results uncover that mixed solvent of water/acetonitrile (H2O/ACN) is beneficial for the formation of C2+ product and the optimal ratio H2O/ACN (1:9) mixture solvent for the conversion of CO2 to CH2CH2. Under light irradiation, we found that multichannel photons enable adsorbed CHO* to couple with CHO species diffusing from nearby active sites, further forming C2 intermediates in solution. This work highlights the importance of the reaction medium on the photogenerative carrier dynamics and offers a strategy to regulate product selectivity in photocatalytic CO2 conversion.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202500270
Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202500270
Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:16.823