Title: Identification of the subventricular tegmental nucleus as brainstem reward center
Author: Krisztián Zichó, Boldizsár Zsolt Balog, Réka Z. Sebestény, János Brunner, Virág Takács, Albert M. Barth, Charlotte Seng, áron Orosz, Manó Aliczki, Hunor Sebk, Eva Mikics, Csaba Fldy, János Szabadics, Gábor Nyiri
Issue&Volume: 2025-01-24
Abstract: Rewards are essential for motivation, decision-making, memory, and mental health. We identified the subventricular tegmental nucleus (SVTg) as a brainstem reward center. In mice, reward and its prediction activate the SVTg, and SVTg stimulation leads to place preference, reduced anxiety, and accumbal dopamine release. Mice self-stimulate the SVTg, which can also be activated directly by the neocortex, resulting in effective inhibition of the lateral habenula, a region associated with depression. This mechanism may also explain why SVTg suppression induces aversion and increases fear. The translational relevance of these findings is supported by evidence in the rat, monkey, and human brainstem, establishing SVTg as a key hub for reward processing, emotional valence, and motivation.
DOI: adr2191
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adr2191