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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/1/24 16:42:35


研究人员展示了一对含有溶菌素结构域的受体样激酶(MpaLYR和MpaCERK1),在地钱Marchantia paleacea中同时介导免疫与共生。MpaLYR对长链(CO7)和短链几丁质低聚物(CO4)具有不同的亲和力。尽管CO7和CO4都可以激活与共生相关的基因,CO7在剂量依赖性上比CO4引发更强的免疫反应。




Title: A pair of LysM receptors mediates symbiosis and immunity discrimination in Marchantia

Author: Xinhang Tan, Dapeng Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Shuang Zheng, Xiaojie Jia, Hui Liu, Zilin Liu, Hao Yang, Huiling Dai, Xi Chen, Zhixin Qian, Ran Wang, Miaolian Ma, Peng Zhang, Nan Yu, Ertao Wang

Issue&Volume: 2025-01-23

Abstract: Most land plants form symbioses with microbes to acquire nutrients but also must restrict infection by pathogens. Here, we show that a single pair of lysin-motif-containing receptor-like kinases, MpaLYR and MpaCERK1, mediates both immunity and symbiosis in the liverwort Marchantia paleacea. MpaLYR has a higher affinity for long-chain (CO7) versus short-chain chitin oligomers (CO4). Although both CO7 and CO4 can activate symbiosis-related genes, CO7 triggers stronger immune responses than CO4 in a dosage-dependent manner. CO4 can inhibit CO7-induced strong immune responses, recapitulating the early response to inoculation with the symbiont arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. We show that phosphate starvation of plants increases their production of strigolactone, which stimulates CO4/CO5 secretion from mycorrhizal fungi, thereby prioritizing symbiosis over immunity. Thus, a single pair of LysM receptors mediates dosage-dependent perception of different chitin oligomers to discern symbiotic and pathogenic microbes in M. paleacea, which may facilitate terrestrialization.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.12.024

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)01466-1
