加拿大阿尔伯塔大学Jens Walter小组发现,非工业化类型饮食的心脏代谢益处与肠道微生物组的调节相关。相关论文于2025年1月23日在线发表于国际学术期刊《细胞》。
研究人员在一项针对健康加拿大成年人随机对照喂养试验中测试了肠道微生物组恢复策略,该策略包括一种再现非工业化饮食模式关键特征的饮食(恢复饮食)和一种在工业化微生物组中罕见的细菌(Limosilactobacillus reuteri)。尽管恢复饮食减少了肠道微生物组的多样性,但它增强了来自巴布亚新几内亚农村地区的L. reuteri菌株(PB-W1)的持久性,并纠正了工业化改变的若干微生物组特征。该饮食还有益地改变了与慢性非传染性疾病病因相关的微生物衍生血浆代谢物。
研究人员观察到显著的心脏代谢益处,这些益处与L. reuteri的使用无关,其中一些益处可以通过基线和饮食响应的微生物组特征准确预测。研究结果表明,旨在恢复肠道微生物组的饮食干预可以改善宿主与微生物组的相互作用,这些相互作用可能是慢性病理的基础,并能指导饮食建议以及治疗和营养策略的制定。
Title: Cardiometabolic benefits of a non-industrialized-type diet are linked to gut microbiome modulation
Author: Fuyong Li, Anissa M. Armet, Katri Korpela, Junhong Liu, Rodrigo Margain Quevedo, Francesco Asnicar, Benjamin Seethaler, Tianna B.S. Rusnak, Janis L. Cole, Zhihong Zhang, Shuang Zhao, Xiaohang Wang, Adele Gagnon, Edward C. Deehan, Joo F. Mota, Jeffrey A. Bakal, Russell Greiner, Dan Knights, Nicola Segata, Stephan C. Bischoff, Laurie Mereu, Andrea M. Haqq, Catherine J. Field, Liang Li, Carla M. Prado, Jens Walter
Issue&Volume: 2025-01-23
Abstract: Industrialization adversely affects the gut microbiome and predisposes individuals to chronic non-communicable diseases. We tested a microbiome restoration strategy comprising a diet that recapitulated key characteristics of non-industrialized dietary patterns (restore diet) and a bacterium rarely found in industrialized microbiomes (Limosilactobacillus reuteri) in a randomized controlled feeding trial in healthy Canadian adults. The restore diet, despite reducing gut microbiome diversity, enhanced the persistence of L. reuteri strain from rural Papua New Guinea (PB-W1) and redressed several microbiome features altered by industrialization. The diet also beneficially altered microbiota-derived plasma metabolites implicated in the etiology of chronic non-communicable diseases. Considerable cardiometabolic benefits were observed independently of L. reuteri administration, several of which could be accurately predicted by baseline and diet-responsive microbiome features. The findings suggest that a dietary intervention targeted toward restoring the gut microbiome can improve host-microbiome interactions that likely underpin chronic pathologies, which can guide dietary recommendations and the development of therapeutic and nutritional strategies.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.12.034
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)01477-6