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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2025/1/11 23:43:08

意大利帕尔马大学Luca Bonini团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们进行了猴子在自由活动情况下的自然神经行为学研究。相关研究成果2025年1月10日在线发表于《科学》杂志上。






Title: Neuroethology of natural actions in freely moving monkeys

Author: Francesca Lanzarini, Monica Maranesi, Elena Hilary Rondoni, Davide Albertini, Elena Ferretti, Marco Lanzilotto, Silvestro Micera, Alberto Mazzoni, Luca Bonini

Issue&Volume: 2025-01-10

Abstract: The current understanding of primate natural action organization derives from laboratory experiments in restrained contexts (RCs) under the assumption that this knowledge generalizes to freely moving contexts (FMCs). In this work, we developed a neurobehavioral platform to enable wireless recording of the same premotor neurons in both RCs and FMCs. Neurons often encoded the same hand and mouth actions differently in RCs and FMCs. Furthermore, in FMCs, we identified cells that selectively encoded actions untestable during RCs and others that displayed mixed selectivity for multiple actions, which is compatible with an organization based on cortical motor synergies at different levels of complexity. Cross-context decoding demonstrated that neural activity in FMCs is richer and more generalizable than in RCs, which suggests that neuroethological approaches are better suited to unveil the neural bases of behavior.

DOI: adq6510

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adq6510
