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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/9/4 18:47:33



为了克服这一困难,课题组人员报道了整合素α3β1 (ITGA3B1)促进的,双特异性适体嵌合体(ITGBACs)作为膜蛋白降解的平台的发展。ITGBACs由两个适体组成,一个靶向ITGA3B1,另一个与膜相关蛋白(POI)结合,有效地将POI转运到溶酶体中进行降解。



Title: Development of Integrin-Facilitated Bispecific Aptamer Chimeras for Membrane Protein Degradation

Author: Weidi Sun, Hui Zhang, Wanlin Xie, Lele Ma, Yang Dang, Yuan Liu, Ling Li, Fengli Qu, Weihong Tan

Issue&Volume: September 3, 2024

Abstract: The emergence of lysosome-targeting chimeras (LYTACs), which represents a promising strategy for membrane protein degradation based on lysosomal pathways, has attracted much attention in disease intervention and treatment. However, the expression level of commonly used lysosome-targeting receptors (LTRs) varies in different cell lines, thus limiting the broad applications of LYTACs. To overcome this difficulty, we herein report the development of integrin α3β1 (ITGA3B1)-facilitated bispecific aptamer chimeras (ITGBACs) as a platform for the degradation of membrane proteins. ITGBACs consist of two aptamers, one targeting ITGA3B1 and another binding to the membrane-associated protein of interest (POI), effectively transporting the POI into lysosomes for degradation. Our findings demonstrate that ITGBACs effectively eliminate pathological membrane proteins, such as CD71 and PTK7, inducing significant cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis and markedly inhibiting tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice models. Therefore, this work provides a novel and versatile membrane protein degradation platform, offering a promising targeted therapy based on tumor-specific LTRs.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c04794

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.4c04794

