Title: Custom microfluidic chip design enables cost-effective three-dimensional spatiotemporal transcriptomics with a wide field of view
Author: Zhu, Junjie, Pang, Kun, Hu, Beiyu, He, Ruiqiao, Wang, Ning, Jiang, Zewen, Ji, Peifeng, Zhao, Fangqing
Issue&Volume: 2024-09-10
Abstract: Spatial transcriptomic techniques offer unprecedented insights into the molecular organization of complex tissues. However, integrating cost-effectiveness, high throughput, a wide field of view and compatibility with three-dimensional (3D) volumes has been challenging. Here we introduce microfluidics-assisted grid chips for spatial transcriptome sequencing (MAGIC-seq), a new method that combines carbodiimide chemistry, spatial combinatorial indexing and innovative microfluidics design. This technique allows sensitive and reproducible profiling of diverse tissue types, achieving an eightfold increase in throughput, minimal cost and reduced batch effects. MAGIC-seq breaks conventional microfluidics limits by enhancing barcoding efficiency and enables analysis of whole postnatal mouse sections, providing comprehensive cellular structure elucidation at near single-cell resolution, uncovering transcriptional variations and dynamic trajectories of mouse organogenesis. Our 3D transcriptomic atlas of the developing mouse brain, consisting of 93 sections, reveals the molecular and cellular landscape, serving as a valuable resource for neuroscience and developmental biology. Overall, MAGIC-seq is a high-throughput, cost-effective, large field of view and versatile method for spatial transcriptomic studies.
DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-01906-4
Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307