FoAR 14-15世纪土耳其西海岸乡村景观中纪念物的艺术与建造品质 |
论文标题:Art and construction related qualities of 14th–15th century monuments in a rural landscape on the western coast of Türkiye
期刊:Frontiers of Architectural Research
作者:Mine Hamamcloglu-Turan, Engin Aktas ,Özge Deniz Toköz
发表时间:August 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2024.02.013
建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林
本刊已被 A&HCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录
01 论 文 题 目 Manuscript Title
Art and construction related qualities of 14th?15th century monuments in a rural landscape on the western coast of Türkiye
02 作 者 Authors
Mine Hamamc?oglu-Turan (a), Engin Aktas (b), Ozge Deniz Tokoz (a)*
(a) Faculty of Architecture, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkiye
(b) Faculty of Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkiye
03 论 文 摘 要 Abstract
This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of art and construction in the early settlements established by Turkish communities on the far west Asian coast by focusing on two developed examples in Urla Peninsula. Conventional surveying and evaluation techniques of architectural restoration and civil engineering were utilized. Key findings include the understanding of the hierarchy of rural settlements in the studied landscape: old Çe?me the most developed village of peninsula in the 16th century. It was positioned along a valley in distance to coast, but in control of harbor that played significant role in commerce between Europe and Asia. Its mosque and tomb, dated to late 14th — early 15th centuries, used to crown it. Cylindrical minaret tower of mosque, domed tomb tower on a cubical base and squinch in the transition zone of mosque are evidences for Central Asian roots. Usage of local lime stone, re-usage of andesite blocks, framing of the stone blocks with bricks, and pendentive in tomb refer to Roman-Byzantine constructions. The study presents the development of Turkish art and construction on the far west Asian coast in the 14th?15th centuries. Findings will be a guide for related conservation management in similar contexts.
本研究旨在通过研究位于Urla半岛的两个成熟案例,帮助人们理解土耳其社群在遥远的西亚海岸建立的早期定居点在艺术和建造方面的演变。本文采用传统的建筑修复和土木工程勘测和评估技术,主要发现包括对景观中农村定居点等级的理解:老Çe?me 是 16 世纪半岛上最发达的村庄。该村落位于距离海岸线较远的山谷中,但控制着在欧亚贸易中发挥重要作用的港口。这里的清真寺和陵墓的建造可以追溯到14世纪末至15世纪初,曾经用于皇帝的加冕仪式。清真寺中的圆柱形宣礼塔、立方体基座上的穹顶墓塔,以及清真寺过渡区的内拱角,都是中亚起源的证据。本地石灰石的使用、安山岩岩块的重复利用,用砖块砌筑的石块框架以及陵墓中的帆拱,都参照了罗马-拜占庭式的建造特征。表明了在建造过程中借鉴了罗马-拜占庭建筑。本研究展示了14 - 15世纪土耳其艺术和建造在遥远的西亚海岸地区的发展,这项成果将为类似背景下的相关保护管理工作提供指导。
04 关 键 词 Keywords
Mosque / 清真寺
Tomb / 陵墓
Central Asia / 中亚
Western Anatolia / 西安纳托利亚
Mediterranean / 地中海地区
Conservation / 保护
05 章 节 标 题 Sections Title
1. Introduction / 引言
1.1. Methodology / 研究方法
1.2. Rural context / 乡村环境
1.3. Historical context / 历史环境
1.4. Background of monumental forms and constructions / 纪念形式与建造的研究背景
2. Architectural analysis / 建筑分析
2.1. Nearby environment / 附近环境
2.2. The mosque in old Çesme Village / Old Çesme 村落的清真寺
2.3. The tomb in old Çesme Village / Old Çesme 村落的陵墓
3. Discussion / 探讨
3.1. Heritage values / 遗产价值
3.2. Conservation challenges and recommendations / 建筑保护的挑战与建议
4. Conclusion / 结论
06 主 要 插 图 Illustrations
▲ 图一:(a) Aysa Kad?n Mosque/Mordogan, restored in 2010 (RT, 2011), (b) _Ibrahim Bey Mosque/Urla, restored in 1981 (Aky?ld?z,1988) and 2018 (Yenicag, 2018), (c) Samut Baba Tomb/Urla, restored in 2012 (its inscription panel, Demirci, 2013), February-May 2016。© 本文作者
▲ 图二:General view of the tomb from northwest, 1 March 2016, partial losses in the walls and the lost finishing of the dome。© 本文作者
▲ 图三:An example of construction technique and material usage analysis on the mosque’s sections。© 本文作者
▲ 图四:The west facade of the mosque: arched opening with brick ornamentation at the portico, closed with a later wall addition (left) and the bottom portion of the circular minaret (right), 3 March 2016。© 本文作者
▲ 图五:Longitudinal section of the mosque looking towards west。© 本文作者
▲ 图六:Detail view from the mosque illustrating the portions belonging to three different phases in the mosque, prayer hall at the left and the portico at the right, 3 March 2016。© 本文作者
▲ 图七:An example of restitution on the Mosques ground floor plan。© 本文作者
07 作 者 介 绍 Authors’ Information
Mine Hamamcloglu Turan
Associate Professor
Department of Architectural Restoration
Izmir Institute ofTechnology, Turkey
Current research interests: documentation, restoration and conservation of historic structures, archiving of conservation data, historic structural systems, preservation of historic urban environment and cultural landscapes.
Engin Aktas
Department of Civil Engineering
Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
Current research interests: Safety and Reliability in Structural Engineering、Structural Health Monitoring based Structural Reliability Analysis、Reliability Based Cost Optimization、Reliability Based Structural Design Code Calibration、Reliability Based Assessment of Existing Structures、Historical Structures、Computational Mechanics、Composite Structures 、Earthquake Engineering、Non-Destructive Evaluation Methods for Buildings、Modal Testing.
Özge Deniz Toköz
Research Assistant
Department of Architectural Restoration
Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
08 原 文 阅 读 Download Link
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