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通过对映体和Z/ e选择性催化获得非天然α-氨基酸的立体发散方法
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/8/30 20:28:57

上海交通大学张万斌研究团队报道了通过对映体和Z/ e选择性催化获得非天然α-氨基酸的立体发散方法。相关研究成果发表在2024年8月30日出版的《科学》。




Title: Stereodivergent access to non-natural α-amino acids via enantio- and Z/E-selective catalysis

Author: Panpan Li, En Zheng, Guanlin Li, Yicong Luo, Xiaohong Huo, Shengming Ma, Wanbin Zhang

Issue&Volume: 2024-08-30

Abstract: The precise control of Z and E configurations of the carbon-carbon double bond in alkene synthesis has long been a fundamental challenge in synthetic chemistry, even more pronounced when simultaneously striving to achieve enantioselectivity [(Z,R), (Z,S), (E,R), (E,S)]. Moreover, enantiopure non-natural α-amino acids are highly sought after in organic and medicinal chemistry. In this study, we report a ligand-controlled stereodivergent synthesis of non-natural α-quaternary amino acids bearing trisubstituted alkene moieties in high yields with excellent enantioselectivity and Z/E selectivities. This success is achieved through a palladium/copper–cocatalyzed three-component assembly of readily available aryl iodides, allenes, and aldimine esters by simply tuning the chiral ligands of the palladium and copper catalysts.

DOI: ado4936

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.ado4936

