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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/25 15:40:38



该文中,研究人员展示了通过直接外延生长将高迁移率2D半导体Bi2O2Se与可转移的高κSrTiO3集成为2D场效应晶体管。值得注意的是,这种2D异质结构可以有效地从水溶性Sr3Al2O6牺牲层转移到任意基板上。所制备的2D Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3晶体管的开/关比超过104,亚阈值摆动降至90 mV/dec。此外,2D Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3异质结构可以很容易地转移到柔性聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)基板上,所制备晶体管在柔性电子产品中表现出良好的潜力。



Title: Epitaxial Integration of Transferable High-κ Dielectric and 2D Semiconductor

Author: Xuzhong Cong, Xiaoyin Gao, Haoying Sun, Xuehan Zhou, Yongchao Zhu, Xin Gao, Congwei Tan, Jingyue Wang, Leyan Nian, Yuefeng Nie, Hailin Peng

Issue&Volume: July 22, 2024

Abstract: The synthesis of high-dielectric-constant (high-κ) dielectric materials and their integration with channel materials have been the key challenges in the state-of-the-art transistor architecture, as they can provide strong gate control and low operating voltage. For next-generation electronics, high-mobility two-dimensional (2D) layered semiconductors with dangling-bond-free surfaces and an atomic-thick thickness are being explored as channel materials to achieve shorter channel lengths and less interfacial scattering. Nowadays, the integration of high-κ dielectrics with high-mobility 2D semiconductors mainly relies on atomic layer deposition or transfer stacking, which may cause several undesirable problems, such as channel damage and interface traps. Here, we demonstrate the integration of high-mobility 2D semiconducting Bi2O2Se with transferable high-κ SrTiO3 as a 2D field-effect transistor by direct epitaxial growth. Remarkably, such 2D heterostructures can be efficiently transferred from the water-soluble Sr3Al2O6 sacrificial layer onto arbitrary substrates. The as-fabricated 2D Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3 transistors exhibit an on/off ratio over 104 and a subthreshold swing down to 90 mV/dec. Furthermore, the 2D Bi2O2Se/SrTiO3 heterostructures can be easily transferred onto flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates, and the as-fabricated transistors exhibit good potential in flexible electronics. Our study opens up a new avenue for the integration of high-κ dielectrics with high-mobility 2D semiconductors and paves the way for the exploration of multifunctional electronic devices.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c04984

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.4c04984

