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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/23 13:28:52




这使得20wt%的M4C8OH掺杂的聚己内酯(PCL)粘合剂(PCL-M4C8OH)在各种基材上的粘合强度得到提高,最大提高幅度可达PCL的2.87倍。特别是,PCL-M4C8OH在25°C和-196°C下对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯的粘附强度分别达到4.67和3.58 MPa,是PCL的1.9和2.3倍,优于各种商业粘合剂和大多数报道的粘合剂。PCL-M4C8OH还显示出显著提高的多功能性,和对超低温和各种潮湿环境的耐受性。机制研究揭示了M4C8OH分子结构对卓越粘附的关键作用。



Title: Rigid-Flexible Coupled Dendritic Molecule Doping: General Approach to Activate Commercial Polymers into Harsh Condition- Tolerant Multi-Reusable Strong Supramolecular Adhesives

Author: Jie Feng, Ziwei Lin, Yang Zhang, Long Fang, Qikai Zhu, Dingshan Yu

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-20

Abstract: Developing functional adhesives combining strong adhesion, good recyclability and diverse harsh-condition adaptability is a grand challenge. Here, we introduce a general dendritic molecule doping strategy to activate commercial polymers into a new family of supramolecular adhesives integrating high adhesion strength, ultralow temperature, water resistant and multi-reusable properties. Our method involves rational design of a new rigid-flexible coupled dendritic molecule - M4C8OH as a versatile dopant, while simple M4C8OH doping into commercial polymers can modulate internal and external non-covalent interaction to enable H-bonding enhanced interchain cross-linking for tough cohesion along with enhanced interphase interaction. This endows 20 wt% M4C8OH-doped polycaprolactone (PCL) adhesives (PCL-M4C8OH) with improved adhesion strength on various substrates with the maximum increase up to 2.87 times that of PCL. In particular, the adhesion strengths of PCL-M4C8OH on polymethyl methacrylate at 25 °C and -196 °C reach 4.67 and 3.58 MPa - 1.9 and 2.3 times those of PCL and superior to diverse commercial adhesives and most reported adhesives. PCL-M4C8OH also displays markedly-improved multi-usability and tolerance against ultralow temperature and diverse wet environments. Mechanism studies reveal the crucial role of  M4C8OH molecular structures toward superior adhesion. Our method can be expanded to other polymer matrices, yielding diverse new supramolecular adhesives.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202411815

Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202411815


Angewandte Chemie:《德国应用化学》,创刊于1887年。隶属于德国化学会,最新IF:16.823