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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/21 20:58:04


研究人员回顾了哺乳动物皮层放射状胶质细胞(主要的神经干细胞)的生物学和演化过程,并提出了一种基于已有核心分子通路的逐步基因过程,作为塑造皮层神经发生的演化过程。最新研究确定了这一核心机制,即胞外信号调节激酶(ERK)-骨形态发生蛋白7(BMP7)-GLI3抑制形式(GLI3R)-sonic hedgehog(SHH)正反馈回路。


最后,研究人员提出:(1) SHH信号不是灵长类皮层扩展和折叠的关键调节因子;(2) 人类皮层放射状胶质细胞不会生成新皮层中间神经元;(3) 人类特有基因可能对大多数皮层扩展并非必不可少。研究人员希望这篇综述能够帮助该领域的同仁,指导研究以解决人们对皮层发育和演化理解中的空白。



Title: The Principle of Cortical Development and Evolution

Author: Yang, Zhengang

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-18

Abstract: Human’s robust cognitive abilities, including creativity and language, are made possible, at least in large part, by evolutionary changes made to the cerebral cortex. This paper reviews the biology and evolution of mammalian cortical radial glial cells (primary neural stem cells) and introduces the concept that a genetically step wise process, based on a core molecular pathway already in use, is the evolutionary process that has molded cortical neurogenesis. The core mechanism, which has been identified in our recent studies, is the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP7)-GLI3 repressor form (GLI3R)-sonic hedgehog (SHH) positive feedback loop. Additionally, I propose that the molecular basis for cortical evolutionary dwarfism, exemplified by the lissencephalic mouse which originated from a larger gyrencephalic ancestor, is an increase in SHH signaling in radial glia, that antagonizes ERK-BMP7 signaling. Finally, I propose that: (1) SHH signaling is not a key regulator of primate cortical expansion and folding; (2) human cortical radial glial cells do not generate neocortical interneurons; (3) human-specific genes may not be essential for most cortical expansion. I hope this review assists colleagues in the field, guiding research to address gaps in our understanding of cortical development and evolution.

DOI: 10.1007/s12264-024-01259-2

Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12264-024-01259-2


Neuroscience Bulletin《神经科学通报》,创刊于2006年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:5.6
