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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/21 20:55:14

美国华盛顿大学David Baker报道了利用形状互补伪环结合和传感不同的小分子。相关研究成果发表在2024年7月19日出版的《科学》。




Title: Binding and sensing diverse small molecules using shape-complementary pseudocycles

Author: Linna An, Meerit Said, Long Tran, Sagardip Majumder, Inna Goreshnik, Gyu Rie Lee, David Juergens, Justas Dauparas, Ivan Anishchenko, Brian Coventry, Asim K. Bera, Alex Kang, Paul M. Levine, Valentina Alvarez, Arvind Pillai, Christoffer Norn, David Feldman, Dmitri Zorine, Derrick R. Hicks, Xinting Li, Mariana Garcia Sanchez, Dionne K. Vafeados, Patrick J. Salveson, Anastassia A. Vorobieva, David Baker

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-19

Abstract: We describe an approach for designing high-affinity small molecule–binding proteins poised for downstream sensing. We use deep learning–generated pseudocycles with repeating structural units surrounding central binding pockets with widely varying shapes that depend on the geometry and number of the repeat units. We dock small molecules of interest into the most shape complementary of these pseudocycles, design the interaction surfaces for high binding affinity, and experimentally screen to identify designs with the highest affinity. We obtain binders to four diverse molecules, including the polar and flexible methotrexate and thyroxine. Taking advantage of the modular repeat structure and central binding pockets, we construct chemically induced dimerization systems and low-noise nanopore sensors by splitting designs into domains that reassemble upon ligand addition.

DOI: adn3780

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adn3780

