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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/21 20:49:04

美国迈克尔·克雷森兹中士退伍军人医疗中心Scott Damrauer等合作取得重要工作进展。他们开展了多样性和规模化研究,利用退伍军人事务百万老兵计划项目,鉴定出2068个性状的遗传结构。相关研究成果2024年7月19日在线发表于《科学》杂志上。




Title: Diversity and scale: Genetic architecture of 2068 traits in the VA Million Veteran Program

Author: Anurag Verma, Jennifer E. Huffman, Alex Rodriguez, Mitchell Conery, Molei Liu, Yuk-Lam Ho, Youngdae Kim, David A. Heise, Lindsay Guare, Vidul Ayakulangara Panickan, Helene Garcon, Franciel Linares, Lauren Costa, Ian Goethert, Ryan Tipton, Jacqueline Honerlaw, Laura Davies, Stacey Whitbourne, Jeremy Cohen, Daniel C. Posner, Rahul Sangar, Michael Murray, Xuan Wang, Daniel R. Dochtermann, Poornima Devineni, Yunling Shi, Tarak Nath Nandi, Themistocles L. Assimes, Charles A. Brunette, Robert J. Carroll, Royce Clifford, Scott Duvall, Joel Gelernter, Adriana Hung, Sudha K. Iyengar, Jacob Joseph, Rachel Kember, Henry Kranzler, Colleen M. Kripke, Daniel Levey, Shiuh-Wen Luoh, Victoria C. Merritt, Cassie Overstreet, Joseph D. Deak, Struan F. A. Grant, Renato Polimanti, Panos Roussos, Gabrielle Shakt, Yan V. Sun, Noah Tsao, Sanan Venkatesh, Georgios Voloudakis, Amy Justice, Edmon Begoli, Rachel Ramoni, Georgia Tourassi, Saiju Pyarajan, Philip Tsao, Christopher J. ODonnell, Sumitra Muralidhar, Jennifer Moser, Juan P. Casas, Alexander G. Bick, Wei Zhou, Tianxi Cai, Benjamin F. Voight, Kelly Cho, J. Michael Gaziano, Ravi K. Madduri, Scott Damrauer, Katherine P. Liao

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-19

Abstract: One of the justifiable criticisms of human genetic studies is the underrepresentation of participants from diverse populations. Lack of inclusion must be addressed at-scale to identify causal disease factors and understand the genetic causes of health disparities. We present genome-wide associations for 2068 traits from 635,969 participants in the Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program, a longitudinal study of diverse United States Veterans. Systematic analysis revealed 13,672 genomic risk loci; 1608 were only significant after including non-European populations. Fine-mapping identified causal variants at 6318 signals across 613 traits. One-third (n = 2069) were identified in participants from non-European populations. This reveals a broadly similar genetic architecture across populations, highlights genetic insights gained from underrepresented groups, and presents an extensive atlas of genetic associations.

DOI: adj1182

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adj1182
