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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/21 14:59:01

美国加州大学圣迭戈分校Kevin D. Corbett课题组发现细菌抗病毒防御中的一种真核样泛素化系统。相关论文于2024年7月17日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。

研究人员证明了一个与噬菌体防御岛相关的细菌操纵子编码了完整的泛素化途径。两种细菌E1-E2-Ubl复合物的结构揭示了与经典真核泛素化机制惊人的结构相似性。细菌E1具有一个氨基末端的非活性腺苷酸化域和一个羧基末端的活性腺苷酸化域,其中包含一个可移动的α螺旋插入物,带有催化半胱氨酸(CYS域)。一种结构揭示了细菌Ubl C末端定位用于腺苷酸化的反应前状态,另一种结构模拟了E1到E2的硫酯化状态,E1 CYS域与结合的E2相邻。




Title: A eukaryotic-like ubiquitination system in bacterial antiviral defence

Author: Chambers, Lydia R., Ye, Qiaozhen, Cai, Jiaxi, Gong, Minheng, Ledvina, Hannah E., Zhou, Huilin, Whiteley, Aaron T., Suhandynata, Raymond T., Corbett, Kevin D.

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-17

Abstract: Ubiquitination pathways have crucial roles in protein homeostasis, signalling and innate immunity1,2,3. In these pathways, an enzymatic cascade of E1, E2 and E3 proteins conjugates ubiquitin or a ubiquitin-like protein (Ubl) to target-protein lysine residues4. Bacteria encode ancient relatives of E1 and Ubl proteins involved in sulfur metabolism5,6, but these proteins do not mediate Ubl–target conjugation, leaving open the question of whether bacteria can perform ubiquitination-like protein conjugation. Here we demonstrate that a bacterial operon associated with phage defence islands encodes a complete ubiquitination pathway. Two structures of a bacterial E1–E2–Ubl complex reveal striking architectural parallels with canonical eukaryotic ubiquitination machinery. The bacterial E1 possesses an amino-terminal inactive adenylation domain and a carboxy-terminal active adenylation domain with a mobile α-helical insertion containing the catalytic cysteine (CYS domain). One structure reveals a pre-reaction state with the bacterial Ubl Cterminus positioned for adenylation, and a second structure mimics an E1-to-E2 transthioesterification state with the E1 CYS domain adjacent to the bound E2. We show that a deubiquitinase in the same pathway preprocesses the bacterial Ubl, exposing its C-terminal glycine for adenylation. Finally, we show that the bacterial E1 and E2 collaborate to conjugate Ubl to target-protein lysine residues. Together, these data reveal that bacteria possess bona fide ubiquitination systems with strong mechanistic and architectural parallels to canonical eukaryotic ubiquitination pathways, suggesting that these pathways arose first in bacteria.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07730-4

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07730-4

