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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/7/19 14:48:42

日本东京大学Makoto Murakami研究团队发现,脂质调节的旁分泌回路通过与成纤维细胞的功能性相互作用协调肥大细胞的成熟和过敏性休克。相关论文于2024年7月12日在线发表在《免疫》杂志上。






Title: Lipid-orchestrated paracrine circuit coordinates mast cell maturation and anaphylaxis through functional interaction with fibroblasts

Author: Yoshitaka Taketomi, Takayoshi Higashi, Kuniyuki Kano, Yoshimi Miki, Chika Mochizuki, Shota Toyoshima, Yoshimichi Okayama, Yasumasa Nishito, Susumu Nakae, Satoshi Tanaka, Suzumi M. Tokuoka, Yoshiya Oda, Shigeyuki Shichino, Satoshi Ueha, Kouji Matsushima, Noriyuki Akahoshi, Satoshi Ishii, Jerold Chun, Junken Aoki, Makoto Murakami

Issue&Volume: 2024-07-12

Abstract: Interaction of mast cells (MCs) with fibroblasts is essential for MC maturation within tissue microenvironments, although the underlying mechanism is incompletely understood. Through a phenotypic screening of >30 mouse lines deficient in lipid-related genes, we found that deletion of the lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor LPA1, like that of the phospholipase PLA2G3, the prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) synthase L-PGDS, or the PGD2 receptor DP1, impairs MC maturation and thereby anaphylaxis. Mechanistically, MC-secreted PLA2G3 acts on extracellular vesicles (EVs) to supply lysophospholipids, which are converted by fibroblast-derived autotaxin (ATX) to LPA. Fibroblast LPA1 then integrates multiple pathways required for MC maturation by facilitating integrin-mediated MC-fibroblast adhesion, IL-33-ST2 signaling, L-PGDS-driven PGD2 generation, and feedforward ATX-LPA1 amplification. Defective MC maturation resulting from PLA2G3 deficiency is restored by supplementation with LPA1 agonists or PLA2G3-modified EVs. Thus, the lipid-orchestrated paracrine circuit involving PLA2G3-driven lysophospholipid, eicosanoid, integrin, and cytokine signaling fine-tunes MC-fibroblast communication, ensuring MC maturation.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2024.06.012

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(24)00318-2

