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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/4 16:06:14

美国德克萨斯大学Gerta Hoxhaj团队揭示跨组织和跨肿瘤的从头嘌呤合成途径和嘌呤回收途径。2024年5月31日,《细胞》杂志在线发表了这项成果。





Title: De novo and salvage purine synthesis pathways across tissues and tumors

Author: Diem H. Tran, Dohun Kim, Rushendhiran Kesavan, Harrison Brown, Trishna Dey, Mona Hoseini Soflaee, Hieu S. Vu, Alpaslan Tasdogan, Jason Guo, Divya Bezwada, Houssam Al Saad, Feng Cai, Ashley Solmonson, Halie Rion, Rawand Chabatya, Salma Merchant, Nathan J. Manales, Vanina T. Tcheuyap, Megan Mulkey, Thomas P. Mathews, James Brugarolas, Sean J. Morrison, Hao Zhu, Ralph J. DeBerardinis, Gerta Hoxhaj

Issue&Volume: 2024-05-31

Abstract: Purine nucleotides are vital for RNA and DNA synthesis, signaling, metabolism, andenergy homeostasis. To synthesize purines, cells use two principal routes: the de novo and salvage pathways. Traditionally, it is believed that proliferating cells predominantlyrely on de novo synthesis, whereas differentiated tissues favor the salvage pathway. Unexpectedly,we find that adenine and inosine are the most effective circulating precursors forsupplying purine nucleotides to tissues and tumors, while hypoxanthine is rapidlycatabolized and poorly salvaged in vivo. Quantitative metabolic analysis demonstrates comparative contribution from de novo synthesis and salvage pathways in maintaining purine nucleotide pools in tumors.Notably, feeding mice nucleotides accelerates tumor growth, while inhibiting purinesalvage slows down tumor progression, revealing a crucial role of the salvage pathwayin tumor metabolism. These findings provide fundamental insights into how normal tissuesand tumors maintain purine nucleotides and highlight the significance of purine salvage in cancer.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.05.011

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00520-8
