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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/28 16:30:02

近日,美国华盛顿大学John C. Tuthill等研究人员合作揭示果蝇腿部和翅膀前运动控制网络的突触结构。相关论文于2024年6月26日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。





Title: Synaptic architecture of leg and wing premotor control networks in Drosophila

Author: Lesser, Ellen, Azevedo, Anthony W., Phelps, Jasper S., Elabbady, Leila, Cook, Andrew, Syed, Durafshan Sakeena, Mark, Brandon, Kuroda, Sumiya, Sustar, Anne, Moussa, Anthony, Dallmann, Chris J., Agrawal, Sweta, Lee, Su-Yee J., Pratt, Brandon, Skutt-Kakaria, Kyobi, Gerhard, Stephan, Lu, Ran, Kemnitz, Nico, Lee, Kisuk, Halageri, Akhilesh, Castro, Manuel, Ih, Dodam, Gager, Jay, Tammam, Marwan, Dorkenwald, Sven, Collman, Forrest, Schneider-Mizell, Casey, Brittain, Derrick, Jordan, Chris S., Macrina, Thomas, Dickinson, Michael, Lee, Wei-Chung Allen, Tuthill, John C.

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-26

Abstract: Animal movement is controlled by motor neurons (MNs), which project out of the central nervous system to activate muscles1. MN activity is coordinated by complex premotor networks that facilitate the contribution of individual muscles to many different behaviours2,3,4,5,6. Here we use connectomics7 to analyse the wiring logic of premotor circuits controlling the Drosophila leg and wing. We find that both premotor networks cluster into modules that link MNs innervating muscles with related functions. Within most leg motor modules, the synaptic weights of each premotor neuron are proportional to the size of their target MNs, establishing a circuit basis for hierarchical MN recruitment. By contrast, wing premotor networks lack proportional synaptic connectivity, which may enable more flexible recruitment of wing steering muscles. Through comparison of the architecture of distinct motor control systems within the same animal, we identify common principles of premotor network organization and specializations that reflect the unique biomechanical constraints and evolutionary origins of leg and wing motor control.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07600-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07600-z

