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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/6/28 16:29:45

美国华盛顿大学John C. Tuthill等研究人员合作完成雌性果蝇腹神经索的连接组学重建。这一研究成果于2024年6月26日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然》上。





Title: Connectomic reconstruction of a female Drosophila ventral nerve cord

Author: Azevedo, Anthony, Lesser, Ellen, Phelps, Jasper S., Mark, Brandon, Elabbady, Leila, Kuroda, Sumiya, Sustar, Anne, Moussa, Anthony, Khandelwal, Avinash, Dallmann, Chris J., Agrawal, Sweta, Lee, Su-Yee J., Pratt, Brandon, Cook, Andrew, Skutt-Kakaria, Kyobi, Gerhard, Stephan, Lu, Ran, Kemnitz, Nico, Lee, Kisuk, Halageri, Akhilesh, Castro, Manuel, Ih, Dodam, Gager, Jay, Tammam, Marwan, Dorkenwald, Sven, Collman, Forrest, Schneider-Mizell, Casey, Brittain, Derrick, Jordan, Chris S., Dickinson, Michael, Pacureanu, Alexandra, Seung, H. Sebastian, Macrina, Thomas, Lee, Wei-Chung Allen, Tuthill, John C.

Issue&Volume: 2024-06-26

Abstract: A deep understanding of how the brain controls behaviour requires mapping neural circuits down to the muscles that they control. Here, we apply automated tools to segment neurons and identify synapses in an electron microscopy dataset of an adult female Drosophila melanogaster ventral nerve cord (VNC)1, which functions like the vertebrate spinal cord to sense and control the body. We find that the fly VNC contains roughly 45 million synapses and 14,600 neuronal cell bodies. To interpret the output of the connectome, we mapped the muscle targets of leg and wing motor neurons using genetic driver lines2 and X-ray holographic nanotomography3. With this motor neuron atlas, we identified neural circuits that coordinate leg and wing movements during take-off. We provide the reconstruction of VNC circuits, the motor neuron atlas and tools for programmatic and interactive access as resources to support experimental and theoretical studies of how the nervous system controls behaviour.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07389-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07389-x

