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SPATA5-SPATA5L1 ATP酶复合物指导复制体蛋白稳态来确保基因组完整性
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/2 16:30:47

美国宾夕法尼亚大学Roger A. Greenberg等研究人员合作发现,SPATA5-SPATA5L1 ATP酶复合物指导复制体蛋白稳态来确保基因组完整性。相关论文于2024年3月29日在线发表在《细胞》杂志上。

研究人员确定了复制体因子与由AAA+ ATP酶SPATA5-SPATA5L1和异源二聚体伙伴C1orf109-CINP(55LCC)组成的蛋白复合物的相互作用。综合结构生物学方法揭示了SPATA5-SPATA5L1 N端结构域与C1orf109-CINP相互作用的分子结构,从而在圆柱形ATP酶马达上方形成漏斗状结构。




Title: The SPATA5-SPATA5L1 ATPase complex directs replisome proteostasis to ensure genome integrity

Author: Vidhya Krishnamoorthy, Martina Foglizzo, Robert L. Dilley, Angela Wu, Arindam Datta, Parul Dutta, Lisa J. Campbell, Oksana Degtjarik, Laura J. Musgrove, Antonio N. Calabrese, Elton Zeqiraj, Roger A. Greenberg

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-29

Abstract: Ubiquitin-dependent unfolding of the CMG helicase by VCP/p97 is required to terminateDNA replication. Other replisome components are not processed in the same fashion,suggesting that additional mechanisms underlie replication protein turnover. Here,we identify replisome factor interactions with a protein complex composed of AAA+ATPases SPATA5-SPATA5L1 together with heterodimeric partners C1orf109-CINP (55LCC).An integrative structural biology approach revealed a molecular architecture of SPATA5-SPATA5L1N-terminal domains interacting with C1orf109-CINP to form a funnel-like structureabove a cylindrically shaped ATPase motor. Deficiency in the 55LCC complex elicitedubiquitin-independent proteotoxicity, replication stress, and severe chromosome instability.55LCC showed ATPase activity that was specifically enhanced by replication fork DNAand was coupled to cysteine protease-dependent cleavage of replisome substrates inresponse to replication fork damage. These findings define 55LCC-mediated proteostasisas critical for replication fork progression and genome stability and provide a rationalefor pathogenic variants seen in associated human neurodevelopmental disorders.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.03.002

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)00250-2
