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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/5 13:37:24

近日,美国加州理工学院的Alireza Marandi及其研究团队取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们研制出拓扑暂锁模激光器。相关研究成果已于2024年3月1日在国际知名学术期刊《自然—物理学》上发表。




Title: Topological temporally mode-locked laser

Author: Leefmans, Christian R., Parto, Midya, Williams, James, Li, Gordon H. Y., Dutt, Avik, Nori, Franco, Marandi, Alireza

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-01

Abstract: Mode-locked lasers play a crucial role in modern science and technology. They are essential to the study of ultrafast and nonlinear optics, and they have applications in metrology, telecommunications and imaging. Recently, there has been interest in studying topological phenomena in mode-locked lasers. From a fundamental perspective, such study promises to reveal nonlinear topological physics, and from a practical perspective it may lead to the development of topologically protected short-pulse sources. Despite this promising outlook, the interplay between topological photonic lattices and laser mode-locking has not been studied experimentally. In this work, we theoretically propose and experimentally realize a topological temporally mode-locked laser. We demonstrate a nonlinearity-driven non-Hermitian skin effect in a laser cavity and observe the robustness of the laser against disorder-induced localization. Our experiments demonstrate fundamental point-gap topological physics that was previously inaccessible to photonics experiments, and they suggest potential applications of our mode-locked laser to sensing, optical computing and robust topological frequency combs. The experimental architecture employed in this work also provides a template for studying topology in other mode-locked photonic sources, including dissipative cavity solitons and synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators.

DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02420-4

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-024-02420-4

Nature Physics:《自然—物理学》,创刊于2005年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:19.684