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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/2/27 15:53:02

瑞士日内瓦大学Stoffel, Markus的团队在研究受气候变暖驱动的日益不稳定的斜坡岩崩中取得一项新突破。相关论文于2024年2月23日发表在《自然—地球科学》杂志上。





Title: Rockfall from an increasingly unstable mountain slope driven by climate warming

Author: Stoffel, Markus, Trappmann, Daniel G., Coullie, Mattias I., Ballesteros Cnovas, Juan A., Corona, Christophe

Issue&Volume: 2024-02-23

Abstract: Rockfall in high-mountain regions is thought to be changing due to accelerating climate warming and permafrost degradation, possibly resulting in enhanced activity and larger volumes involved in individual falls. Yet the systematic lack of long-term observations of rockfall largely hampers an in-depth assessment of how activity may have been altered by a warming climate. Here we compile a continuous time series from 1920 to 2020 of periglacial rockfall activity using growth-ring records from 375 trees damaged by past rockfall at Taschgufer (Swiss Alps). We show that the ongoing warming favours the release of rockfall and that changes in activity correlate significantly with summer air temperatures at interannual and decadal timescales. An initial increase in rockfall occurred in the late 1940s to early 1950s following early twentieth century warming. From the mid-1980s, activity reached new and hitherto unprecedented levels. This long-term record of rockfall activity can help to inform the design of vital mitigation and risk reduction measures in inhabited mountain environments.

DOI: 10.1038/s41561-024-01390-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-024-01390-9

Nature Geoscience:《自然—地球科学》,创刊于2008年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:21.531