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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/11/20 14:42:33

美国加州大学圣迭戈分校Trey Ideker团队发现,一种多谱系筛选方法识别出人类癌症中可操作的合成致死相互作用。相关论文于2024年11月18日在线发表在《自然—遗传学》杂志上。








Title: A multilineage screen identifies actionable synthetic lethal interactions in human cancers

Author: Fong, Samson H., Kuenzi, Brent M., Mattson, Nicole M., Lee, John, Sanchez, Kyle, Bojorquez-Gomez, Ana, Ford, Kyle, Munson, Brenton P., Licon, Katherine, Bergendahl, Sarah, Shen, John Paul, Kreisberg, Jason F., Mali, Prashant, Hager, Jeffrey H., White, Michael A., Ideker, Trey

Issue&Volume: 2024-11-18

Abstract: Cancers are driven by alterations in diverse genes, creating dependencies that can be therapeutically targeted. However, many genetic dependencies have proven inconsistent across tumors. Here we describe SCHEMATIC, a strategy to identify a core network of highly penetrant, actionable genetic interactions. First, fundamental cellular processes are perturbed by systematic combinatorial knockouts across tumor lineages, identifying 1,805 synthetic lethal interactions (95% unreported). Interactions are then analyzed by hierarchical pooling, revealing that half segregate reliably by tissue type or biomarker status (51%) and a substantial minority are penetrant across lineages (34%). Interactions converge on 49 multigene systems, including MAPK signaling and BAF transcriptional regulatory complexes, which become essential on disruption of polymerases. Some 266 interactions translate to robust biomarkers of drug sensitivity, including frequent genetic alterations in the KDM5C/6A histone demethylases, which sensitize to inhibition of TIPARP (PARP7). SCHEMATIC offers a context-aware, data-driven approach to match genetic alterations to targeted therapies.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-024-01971-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-024-01971-9


Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307