美国陈-扎克伯格生物中心Loïc A. Royer等研究人员合作发现,一份多模态斑马鱼发育图谱揭示晚脊椎动物多能轴向祖细胞的状态转变动态。2024年10月24日,国际知名学术期刊《细胞》在线发表了这一成果。
Title: A multimodal zebrafish developmental atlas reveals the state-transition dynamics of late-vertebrate pluripotent axial progenitors
Author: Merlin Lange, Alejandro Granados, Shruthi VijayKumar, Jordo Bragantini, Sarah Ancheta, Yang-Joon Kim, Sreejith Santhosh, Michael Borja, Hirofumi Kobayashi, Erin McGeever, Ahmet Can Solak, Bin Yang, Xiang Zhao, Yang Liu, Angela M. Detweiler, Sheryl Paul, Ilan Theodoro, Honey Mekonen, Chris Charlton, Tiger Lao, Rachel Banks, Sheng Xiao, Adrian Jacobo, Keir Balla, Kyle Awayan, Samuel D’Souza, Robert Haase, Alexandre Dizeux, Olivier Pourquie, Rafael Gómez-Sjberg, Greg Huber, Mattia Serra, Norma Neff, Angela Oliveira Pisco, Loc A. Royer
Issue&Volume: 2024-10-24
Abstract: Elucidating organismal developmental processes requires a comprehensive understanding of cellular lineages in the spatial, temporal, and molecular domains. In this study, we introduce Zebrahub, a dynamic atlas of zebrafish embryonic development that integrates single-cell sequencing time course data with lineage reconstructions facilitated by light-sheet microscopy. This atlas offers high-resolution and in-depth molecular insights into zebrafish development, achieved through the sequencing of individual embryos across ten developmental stages, complemented by reconstructions of cellular trajectories. Zebrahub also incorporates an interactive tool to navigate the complex cellular flows and lineages derived from light-sheet microscopy data, enabling in silico fate-mapping experiments. To demonstrate the versatility of our multimodal resource, we utilize Zebrahub to provide fresh insights into the pluripotency of neuro-mesodermal progenitors (NMPs) and the origins of a joint kidney-hemangioblast progenitor population.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.09.047
Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(24)01147-4